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Summer 2004 and Beyond: Going to the GoGo
Sunday, 27 August 2006
Submission Band at the Back to School Jam
Mount Calvary Baptist Church, 608 N Horners LN, Rockville, MD 20850

There were kids from Elementary School through High School and adults. There was food, water, and orange juice. There was a moon bounce.

Barry Melton, who was overseeing the event, came over and talked to me. We found out we both appreciate music, but can't play music ourselves.

Tony, Submission's manager and sound engineer, introduced himself to me.

Submission's performance was filmed by Walter.

Submission Band
Submission had some guests sitting in for the performance.
The line up was: 02 (lead talker), B (vocalist), Cliff & Dre (vocalists from Total Praise), Phonzo (three keyboards), King (drummer), Double D (percussion), and Isaac (cowbell player from another band).
Submission's bass player wasn't present.

B said they were hoping to start before 4 PM because they, like me, wanted to see Mambo Sauce's performance this evening.

First Set

Backline: Isaac, King, Double D, Phonzo, Frontline (closest to furthest): B, Cliff, Dre, 02

Tony, ?, and Walter

B, Cliff, Dre, 02

1) Instrumental - Dre chanted, "Pop, pop, yeah" repeatedly / 02 said, "Jesus is here", he did a shout to me "FunkMasterJ, the picture man" -->
2) 02-led "From the streets to the church, youngin's put in the work" / Percussion solo - first with Double D playing timbales, then congas
3) 02-led "Feeling it from the heart, feeling it from the soul... lose control" - I filmed it, it was really crankin'
4) 02-led "Put your hands in the air right now, let the beat ride in the name of the lord" - 02 said, "It's like a family affair, the complete body of Christ"
5) 02-led "Shake up the church, talk I'm listenin', don't let nobody control your vision, battle between the flesh and the spirit" - 02 said the crowd was looking at them like "looking at a fish tank", 02 said, "Get your groove on" / Percussion solo
6) 02-led "99.9, You better open your eyes, there's nowhere to hide, Jesus Christ is coming back, lord help me change my ways, because I don't want to burn" - Double D played the timbales / Double D timbale solo -->
7) 02-led "Back to..." - they passed out flyers for the new weekly Gospel Go-Go show with a revolving set of bands at Club Kingdom
8) B-led "The more you hate off me, the move blessings I'm going to receive, Christ be the love of my life" - 02 said, "We're just having some fun"
9) 02-led "SMB will not die, we're going to purify, we're going to praise, remember who you're dancing for, we're going to praise the lord" - Double D played timbales
10) 02-led "Who what when.. Are you living for the world, or are you living for Christ? Are you living for the girl, or are you living for Christ?, I shall proceed... This is for the people who love to praise the lord."
02 said, "I don't know what I was saying that joint just came out of me"

They took a break and asked for water and orange juice.

B said, "Everyone who said I looked like Kid N' Play, I need to see you after the show"

02 said, "I'm trying to stall to catch my breath"

Second Set
1) 02-led "I've got to keep... This is about a modern day Job, it's all taken away from him, but he still has his love for the lord, the lord gave and the lord take a way, no matter how hard, I got to... the storm, Last night drunk as a mug, Sunday morning, I praise the lord... You can take anything away, but I still pray" - lots of false starts, Double D played timbales
2) 02-led "Take the picture, this ain't school" - 02 nonverbally showed taking pictures, 02 said of a girl, "You're already posing", Double D switched to congas, 02 said, "This will be on the internet tomorrow", 02 said, "I want the socket", 02 rapped briefly
3) 02 said, "We got to leave, we don't want to, but we got to move. Get your tambourine" / Percussion solo - 02 said, "Oh, I'm about to drink my mic,", 02 said, "Give me a little something for FunkMasterJ", 02 said, "We gotta go. Look here y'all, God bless you"
Barry called everyone over with the kids in the middle to pray. A female Reverend led the praying.

Barry said, "I don't want to hold everyone longer", but he wanted to make sure everyone of the kids had Christ in their life. Then the circle broke up for him to hand out school supplied.
4) Submission's backline played accompanying music in the background

Submission really cranked.

As Barry went to pass out the supplies, I left to head over to Mambo Sauce's show.

Posted by funkmasterj at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 4 September 2006 9:57 AM EDT

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