Uniqek Banquet Hall, 3130 Branch Ave., Marlow Heights, MD 20748
I got there about 5 PM. Getting the sound system to work without a buzz noise was difficult. Kato arrived, and was truly surprised:
Kato reacting to the surprise - he jokingly tried to lock out Teago and Preston
Kato, Chocolate Drop (to his left), Kato's daughters, and his grandson
Foreground: Always Showtime!!, Dey, 02, Background: Sweet AKA, Bobbiedoll, Maiah
6th & Miss and his wife
KC of the Junkyard Band
Donnell Floyd wearing the Wes Unseld jersey, Jay113 to his left, Moe Shorter and Bobbiedoll to his right, Supa Dan is the DJ
Mz. Laydee, Trina, Lady$tyle$ at the front table, Nephew at the back table
Marvin of TCB in the middle back (black shirt), Preston Blue and Teago (with the blue jersey) to the right
Dey, Always Showtime!!, and RE_Admin
Sweettyra in the light blue shirt to the left, Sashay Shaunte is in the black shirt in the back (she was the bartender)
Here was the program:
02 was the MC.
There was a DVD with recorded messages for Kato by Ras Lidj & Deep Band (it was really funny), Fatal Attraction (Kato & Teago manage them), D-Floyd and more. Here's a message by D Ball that didn't make the DVD.
1) Speeches by the All Around Honies (I recognize Trina, I don't know the other 2)
2) Acapella performance by Chevy of Fatal Attraction - Parts 1 and 2
3) A speech by Kato's cousin Marlon (Money Green)
4) A speech by SweetTyra
5) A speech by Weaze of Metroboys
6) A performance by KC of the Junkyard Band
7) A presentation of a plaque by Nena and Maiah
8) A performance by KC and Chevy - Parts 1 and 2
9) A speech by Kato.
I was touched that I was one of the people Kato mentioned in his speech, even if he did call me Lee Harvey Oswald.
Supa Dan was the DJ.

Front of table: 02 and RE_Admin, Rear of table: Chipster, Diva, Always Showtime!!, Pink, Dey is standing, BJ of Rare Essence and Michelle at the next table

Fatal Attraction is at the rear table

Fed Up with her back to the camera

Chipster, BJ, and Sweetchelle

Donnell Floyd is talking to Big Buck of Publicity Band

Kato in front, Diva, Fed Up (face hidden), Dey, RE_Admin, Sashay Shaunte, Always Showtime!!, Pink, Chipster, Miss Gomez

Fed Up on the far left, Bobbiedoll on the far right

Kato, Preston Blue, Teago and Fatal Attraction

Michelle and BJ
All pictures above taken by and Copyright - Jordan Rich
All pictures below taken by and Copyright - B's wife, Tamyko

B and Kato

BJ and I

Kato and his cousins
Among the guests beyond those mentioned above: Teago & Preston Blue who had brought Kato, his daughters and grandson, Chocolate Drop, 6th & Miss and his wife, B and his wife Tamyko, Dey, Always Showtime!!, Bobbie Westmoreland, Sweet AKA, Donnell Floyd of Familiar Faces, Big Buck of Publicity Band, BJ (Kato's cousin) of Rare Essence (he sat with me and Sweetchelle), Mo Shorter, Mz. Laydee of Dynasty Band, Lady$tyle$, Nephew, the Fatal Attraction Band, RE_Admin, Pink, Diva, Jay113, Chipster, Fed Up, Sashay Shaunte, Marvin of TCB, Southern-Roots1, and Miss Gomez. Fairley of the GoGo Coalition sat at my table and she introduced herself to me. Outside, before I left, I introduced myself to Moe Shorter - he recognized me from the recent Market Lounge Junkyard show I attended.