Pavilion 8, Watkins Park, 301 Watkins Park Drive Upper Marlboro, MD 20774
Sweettyra, her dog Baker, and Sweet AKA were among the few there when I arrived. Also there were (in no particular order): Sweetandsexy25, Nena-Bean, Torkavelli, Suri (celebrating her birthday), Kato and his kids and grandson, Fed Up, Stillyeahoe, Youngone/Sweet Buff, 02, Ras Lidj, Black Heart, Always Showtime!!, Wellfhed, Pink Princess/Psyc/Pink, Stallion, Mz. Laydee and her daughter, Songbird, Youngstunna and his daughter, Delano795/Southern-Roots1, That44dog, Dey/MissDey, Junior and his significant other, asmoothpoet, Scottijay32, Jay113, Chenke, her daughter Sexy Nee Nee, Thatshotsexie, Mommilan&Jr. with her daughter Milan and her friend Nat, Unique, Netboo/Miss Gomez, Nephew and his kids (Nephew told his son EJ, "Watch what you say around him" (as if I would post it on this blog), RE_Admin, Duce7, PGSlim, Dk the rapper with his wife and kids, toosweet, Black Heart, Peaches, Chipster, Preston Blue, Michelle, Ree Ree, Teago, Maiah, Sweet B, Sweat Pea, Twincutey, Sweat Pea, Sweet B, Fresh, Wayne from Fatal Attraction, Bryan Mills (Blazin) of Soul Sponge, and a whole lot others I don't know by sight or have forgotten were there.
Nephew provided the music - he mostly played Familiar Faces recent PA from his car stereo. There was a lot of socializing and bees - Sweet AKA went after them with a fly swatter. Nena passed out flyers for Kato's Surprise Party kept in her shirt.

Delano is wearing the white shirt on the right, Scottiejay is wearing the black and white shirt on the right in the back, Mz. Laydee has the pink purse, Thatshotsexie is wearing the brown shirt on the right, Always Showtime is holding Kato's grandson

Nephew is eating crab on the right with his 2 daughters, Tyra is to his right with the black shirt

Suri on the right

Jay is in the center in the foreground, Fed Up to his right, on the right side of the middle table: asmoothpoet, Delano, Sweet Pea, Sweet AKA on the far right, Kato in the back left corner

Peaches in the yellow shirt with her daughter to her right, Peaches is looking at Uniqe in the pink shirt, Youngstunna is in the white shirt, standing between the tables, Nena and Showtime on the ride side of the left table

Torkavelli on the left


Peaches and Sweet AKA are on the left side of the left table, asmoothpoet, Sweet Buff and Sweat Pea are on the left side of the right table

Kiki, Unique, Black Heart

MomMilan&Jr with her daughter Milan

Kiki, Scottiejay (Junior behind him), Unique, Fed Up, Jay113, on the right: Sweet Buff, Sweat Pea, Black Heart

Mz. Laydee and her daughter


That44dog on the left, Sweettyra is in the middle back with the black shirt on, RE_Admin is in front of her sitting down, Ras Lidj is to her left

Ras Lidj is in the back with the brown Reggo shirt

Wellfhed is wearing the striped shirt, Stallion to her right

Ras Lidj and Chipster

Ras Lidj, Chipster, Miss Gomez holding Kato's grandson, Dey

Chenke on the left standing with the blue shirt, 02 with the grey and orange cap, DK the rapper on the right front with one of his kids, his wife is across from him

Chipster on the left, Sexy Nee Nee on the right

Peaches and Chipster

Teago and Showtime

Black Heart is talking to Sweet B

Pink checking her cell phone


Front: Kato, Pink, Songbird, Back: Stallion, Wellfhed

Kato and Wellfhed

Bryan Mills (Blazin) and his significant other

I believe that's Rashida of NCB in the back right, Stillyeahoe is on the far right

Kato taking a picture of Sweettyra and Suri

All pictures above taken by and Copyright - Jordan Rich
Pictures below taken by and Copyright - Sweettyra & Kevin Hammond

Twincutey on the right and her son

Ras Lidj and I


Duce7 of WHAT? Band

Ree Ree

Preston Blue & Ras Lidj


Kato and LiveNLearn

Kato and Tyra's Mom

Fatal Attration guys: Wayne on the right

Toosweet, Sweettyra, Pink, and Always Showtime!!

Maiah on the left
I talked with 02. He asked me where I was going to tonight. I said the Classics. He said, "They'll make you take your shoes off." He told me to get with him before I left and he'd give a Submission CD finally. I did get the CD from 02 just before I left. Here's my review: I totally hear what people told me previously: Submission really cranks and could be a secular GoGo band if they wanted to... I believe this recording is of their performance August 1, 2006 outdoors at: Harriet Tubman Elementary School 3101 13th Street NW Washington, DC 20010