Summer 2004 and Beyond: Going to the GoGo
Wednesday, 4 October 2006
Non-GoGo: Mike Stern at Blues Alley
Second Annual Duke Ellington Jazz FestivalBlues Alley, 1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW Washington, DC 20007 I met Dwayne Lee and his friends, relatives of Ricky Wellman (Vincent, Barry, and Manny) in line for the late show. I talked a lot with Vince Wellman and Dwayne. Vince had been at the Patrice Bowie Project show last week. Dwayne had worked with her early in her career. We talked about music a lot. We sat at a table in the middle, 2nd from front. Mike Stern Band The line up was: Mike Stern (guitar), Richard Bona (vocals, bass), Bob Franceschini (Sax), and Dennis Chambers (drums). Late Set - went from 10:45 to 12:15. There was a lot of humor in the set as well as great solos. Mike identified 2 of the songs, Tumble Home and KT, from his new album, Who Let the Cats Out? Mike smiled a lot as he played. I also recognized some of the tunes as ones that Jaco Pastorius had performed. I really enjoyed the performance. At the end, Mike was selling his CDs. He joked, "If you buy 10 of them, you get one of these cymbals free."
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Monday, 2 October 2006
Non-GoGo: Les McCann & the Javon Jackson Band at Blues Alley
Blues Alley, 1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW Washington, DC 20007 I got an email about the Second Annual Duke Ellington Jazz Festival. I remember the first all too well, I got terribly sunburned. I saw that the Mike Stern Band with Dennis Chambers and Richard Bona (all of whom I am a fan of) was to perform at Blues Alley October 3rd and 4th. When I went online to get a ticket, I saw Les McCann was playing at Blues Alley - I'm an even bigger fan of him than them. I decided to get a ticket for the early show on his last day at Blues Alley: tonight. The hostess sat me down at a table four seats down from Les. He's a very funny guy. He wore a shiny shirt and explained his band gave it to him, he's "N*ggeracci." He said that Switzerland and Sweden aren't in Europe because they aren't in the EU. Les McCann & the Javon Jackson Band Early Set - started around 8:20 Javon Jackson (Sax) introduced the band: The drummer, out of Denver, CO, Rudy Royston. The guitarist, out of Cambridge, MA (much applause), David Gilmore. Javon responded to the applause by saying, "Long live, Harvard!" The bassist (electric bass guitar), out of Chicago, "Long live Al Capone", Kenny Davis. 1) Easy Does It - Javon introduced it by saying, "I wrote it", lots of nice solos Les was helped up and walked over to the keyboard. The Blues Alley employee who helped him up also served as a clap leader, which I thought was cheesy. 2) ? - at the end Les yelled, "Ah ah", then he said, "Hello, hello", "Okay, okay" --> 3) Javon played Frere Jacques then the Jeopardy Theme on his Sax 4) ? - Javon's Sax lines were familiar, Les scatted over the song Les said, "There's a celebrity in the house, Paul Anthony". Les mentioned they used to play tennis together. Les asked how many people in the audience lived in DC, a number of people raised their hands, and Les said, "Only three". Les asked how many people in the audience were over 30, virtually everyone raised their hands (I was probably the youngest person in the audience), and Les said, "Two." 5) Les announced this as Eddie Harris' Cold Duck Time - the audience clapped to the tune, David played a nice guitar solo, Les scatted over the tune Les said, "We also have another name that we call it 'Da na'" 6) Les-led With These Hands (Benny Davis/Abner Silver) - it started out with just Les singing and playing the keyboard for a bit before the band joined in 7) Les-led Compared to What (Gene McDaniels) - it cranked, Javon said, "Kenny Davis, do not try to do what he does at home, it won't work." Javon said, "At the keyboard, he is also our vocalist, our leader, our spiritual advisor, our financial consultant: the money is in escrow, a legend, but still doing things. Les McCann. He is also celebrating his birthday this week (His 71st birthday was September 23rd.)" 8) Les-led Compared to What (Gene McDaniels) (reprise) Even though they announced that we could stay for the second set with no extra cover, I didn't stay because I had to go to work on Monday. I did get Les to autograph my copy of his 2-CD Rhino anthology. The food was good, but very expensive.
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 3 October 2006 8:08 PM EDT
Sunday, 1 October 2006
Rare Essence at Lime
The Lime (formerly Eastside), 1824 Half St SW, Washington, DC 20024 When I at first unintentionally got into the line for Beenie Man, the security for the other side of the club called me over for Rare Essence (one of the security guards recognized me as a regular at Zanzibar). Even so, while I was waiting since the club wasn't open yet, some of the security asked me over time who I wanted to see. (I actually did see Beenie Man once with Junkyard Band, Backyard Band, and Trouble Funk, but I didn't go there to see him and his performance didn't move me). They took away my pen (but interestingly said that if I were there for business I could keep it), so everything is off the top of my head. Kim and Monique (whom I haven't seen in a long time) were there. I went over by the right side of the stage to watch GoGo Mickey perform. Rare Essence They had no singers, the line up was: The line up was: Dave "32" Ellis (vocals), Andre "Whiteboy" Johnson (vocals/guitar), bass player, Byron "BJ" Jackson (Keyboards), Scooter? (keyboards), Darryl "Blue Eye" Arrington (drummer), Milton "GoGo Mickey" Freeman (congas), Quentin "Shorty Dud" Ivey (percussion). I talked with BJ for a little bit. First Set - started at 12:45 AM I recognized "Hold It" (don't know the title, but I remember them performing it last time I saw them), Bumping My Music, Lock It, And Unh, Work the Walls (they used the "25, 25, 25" part in the middle of the song rather than as an intro), NORE's I'm a G, and B.G.'s I Know. The set was an hour. Chris, the bartender, was there with Renee (not Footz' daughter). Second Set - started around 2:15 (Ended at 2:55) Included "don't start no sh*t, there'll be no sh*t", "it's a motherf*cking freakshow girl", "Greygoose" and What It Do. They cranked, but I feel they played the toms too much - GoGo Mickey is the best thing about Rare Essence to me. I gave Monique a ride home. She told me Shorty Corleone is her cousin and he wasn't at tonight's show because he's in Atlanta.
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 7 October 2006 4:03 PM EDT
Saturday, 30 September 2006
Friday at J's
J's Sports Cafe, 12617 Laurel Bowie Rd (Route 197), Laurel, MD 20708 Duane introduced me to Dave, who plays congas in the other band he performs in, for the Hip Hope Network. Pooh, Shante (Songbird), June, Tony, Britney, and Sam (Black Heart) were there. Jammin' Jeff & Da Band They had a different other keyboard player - a white guy. Dave played congas with them. Set There was a guy taking still pictures of Da Band and filming them as well. 1) Jay-led The JB's Doin' It to Death 2) Allison-led Rose Royce's Carwash 3) Allison-led A Taste of Honey's Boogie Oogie Oogie 4) Jay-led "She's my guiding light, at the top of my list, all my love" 5) Jay-led Marvin Gaye's Got to Give It Up 6) Jay-led White Cherry's Play That Funky Music, White Boy Yolanda was there. 7) Alternating Allison-led Beyonce's Deja Vu / Jay-led Michael Jackson's I Can't Help It "little bit" 8) Allison-led "I'm quiting?" Allison said they were taking a vocal break and having a guest artist: Smokey. Smokey said, "For the old school" 9) Smokey-led Prince's Purple Rain Smokey left the stage. 10) Allison-led Alcia Keys' Unbreakable - Allison said, "We're between 93 and 96.3" 11) Allison-led Jill Scott's Golden 12) Allison-led "I have... today... I wonder why" 13) Jay-led Gnarls Barkley's Crazy Peg Leg was there. 14) 02 sat in and talked, it cranked, people started dancing 15) Allison-led Toni Braxton's Take This Ring Val "Tina Turner" was there. Shadonna, Lashonda, Tyrell, Ian, and Nikki were there. Dig Dug, Los, Danielle (Wellfhed), Stallion, Trea, Michelle T., Boo, Ray, Tracy S., Alexis, April "JuJu", DJ Skeet, Delano, and Angie W. were there. Familiar Faces Sound Check Donnell acapella "The greatest story never told" Jazzy Layse and Chevy of Fatal Attraction were there. First Set 1) False start, then Donnell said, "Give me a pocket" / Percussion solo - a guy dressed like in the 70s danced onstage, Halima said something I couldn't make out / Donnell & Sean-led Luther Vandross' Promise Me Shawn was there. 2) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh" 3) Donnell & Sean-led ? 6'9 was there. 4) Sean-led Ne-Yo's When You're Mad - it cranked, Chevy went onstage, Sean sang to her 5) Alternating Donnell-led Trillville's Some Cut - Sean sang, the frontline did the bowing dance / Notorious BIG's Warning / Keith Murray's Call My Name (tease) / "Wait a minute" echoes / Percussion solo - Halima said something I couldn't make out 6) Halima-led Christina Milian's Say I featuring Young Jeezy - Halima held her mic to fans / Aaliyah's I Need You Tonight (tease) / Donnell-led "Brandywine, friends of mine" chant / "Hands free, they're f*cking with me" - ended by a fight between girls Derek (John's brother) was there. 7) Halima-led Mary J. Blige's My Life Kay was there. 8) Sean-led "I hope you understand every word I say is true" Donnell said, "We bust L!ssen's @ss. Kicked @ss in the bowling alley. L!ssen had the custom outfits. Shante some sh*t. She's the reason they lost." 9) Donnell acapella Mary J. Blige's My Life (tease) Flo, Big Don Pimp, Sixx of Raw Image (nice to see he's off crutches, I wish him a speedy recovery), Gary, and Big Buck of Publicity Band were there. Warming up Donnell acapella "The greatest story never told" Second Set 1) Halima-led Cheri Dennis' I Love You - it cranked / Percussion solo - Donnell said, "Give me a party beat, Stomp for all the Libras in the building (including me)" Donnell did shout outs to Big Mike and 32 of Rare Essence 2) Sean-led "Why can't I have a little bit to satisfy me, make me happy" - ended by a fight 3) Alternating Donnell-led Nicole the Bartender / Lil' Scrappy's Money in the Bank (tease) 4) Donnell-led "Party, party, everybody" / Sean-led Ne-Yo's So Sick / Percussion solo - Donnell chanted, "Eya eya", Donnell said, "Hey D-O-C" Damond was there 5) Donnell-led "___ Is yes!" / "You make me want to see just how freaky you can be" / "Keep it low" 6) Donnell-led "Reggae" / Sean-led Damien Marley's Beautiful - Packy played the cowbell, the house lights came on 7) Halima-led Beyonce's Deja Vu / Percussion solo 8) Donnell & Sean-led "On the small of her back, she got a tattoo" - it cranked Donnell joined more on Shante & L!ssen Da Grew ^P's bowling performance - saying "Whoop that trick" and "If it weren't for Shante's gutter balls, L!ssen could have won".
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 29 June 2007 9:06 PM EDT
Submission Band at Family Jamz Summit
Kelly Miller Middle School, 301 49th St NE Washington, DC 20019 I arrived during the intermission - around 8:45 PM. As expected, I was the only white person there - a few people came up to ask me why I was there. When they resumed, there was a lot of tough love: A police officer got people's attention and said if people didn't settle down, they should know, "in DC you can be arrested if you are 8 years old". The organizer of the event was up next, she said, "We've been telling you since 9 O'clock this morning to be quiet." They had a pair of dancers "Heaven and Earth dancers" perform. Their performance didn't move me, but I can appreciate the skill and practice that when into the performance which was clearly closely choreographed to the music. Next was a pair of Christian rappers, Catch 2. They delivered some more tough love as they talked about what can happen if you aren't on the right path, the one said he was locked up at 14 for attempted murder. Their performance was okay - most of the rap I like is with bands. They performed "Nothing but the blood of Jesus". They were really polite - they greeted me later. Submission Band The line up was: 02 (lead talker), B (rapper/cowbell), Phonzo (keyboards), King (drummer), and Double D (percussion). Second Set (Their first set was at 7 PM) - 9:15 PM 02 did a shout out to me. 1) 02-led "Coming out swinging, get your hands in the air" - B played the cowbell, it cranked, the kids went up to the stage, 02 said, "Lincoln Heights" 2) 02-led "Hey ay, Ho oh" - 02 and B held their mics to fans 3) 02-led "Hey ladies, Hey soldjas" - the crank increased, the kids left after 02 asked them to get off the stage, 02 called them back, telling them they can be up front, just not on the stage, 02 did a another shout out to me Antoinette (Miss Gomez) was there. 4) B-led "Remember who you're dancing for" 5) 02-led "Everybody hands up and belts, Everybody hands up and belts, Funkin' for Jesus" 6) 02-led "God is good, God is great... I was making $20,000, Press through the storm..." - Double D played the toms, it cranked, most of the kids left in the middle of the song 7) Double D conga solo - it cranked I went out of the auditorium and hung out with Submission and Antoinette. Submission talked about the performance and how to minister to kids. I was surprised to hear that King has only been to three GoGos.
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 11 October 2006 6:46 PM EDT
Thursday, 28 September 2006
Soulsponge at Takoma Station
Takoma Station, 6914 4th St NW, Washington, DC 20012 Bryan Mills had asked me to come out when I saw him on Labor Day, and when I heard Adia was moving out of the area soon, I decided to come see Soulsponge tonight. Soulsponge The line up was: Derek Holmes (singer), Adia Doores (singer), Anthony "Little Benny" Harley (talker, second set only), Blazin' Bryan Mills (Sax, and keyboards), Karlston "Ice" Ross (bass), Taylor Pace (keyboard player), Brad Clements (trumpet, first set only, he plays with Chuck together with Bryan), Kenny "Kwik" (drums), and Mark Hollingsworth (percussionist). First Set  Taylor, Ice, Bryan
 Kwik, Bryan, Brad, Mark
 Taylor, Derek, Ice, Adia, Brad Bryan said they're called Soulsponge because they "soak you up like a sponge" 1) Instrumental (a cover, familiar jazz song) 2) Instrumental (a cover, also familiar) - Bryan introduced it by saying, "I love this song. If I could sing, I would sing it to my sweetie.", Bryan did shout outs to Big Mo and me 3) Ne-Yo's Sexy Love (instrumental) - Adia came over and said hello, Bryan talked about being late on Ne-Yo, a friend of his introduced him to Ne-Yo's music and he's grateful 4) Instrumental (a cover of Wham!) - Bryan offered a free drink to the first girl who could identify it, he said it takes you back to high school dances. He ended up identifying it as by Wham! 5) Derek-led Sugababes' Round Round 6) Adia-led "All night long, shake up, been so long" 7) Derek-led "Forget about the past, those things don't matter, I ain't find a job" / Earth, Wind & Fire's You Can't Hide Love (tease) Bryan said, "This is our version of Mary J. Blige's My Life" 8) Roy Ayers' Everybody Loves the Sunshine (instrumental) 9) Derek-led Ne-Yo's When You're Mad - Derek walked around the dance floor 10) Adia-led Erykah Badu's Cleva 11) Derek-led "Give it up, whenever, tell me, I feel like, oh baby, she calls" - Derek said, "Guitar solo on the keyboard, I had to turn around because I didn't see a guitar when I came in" 12) Adia-led "Woke up this morning" - very stylized singing 13) Instrumental It was nice to hear the horns being used as lyrical instruments rather than primarily for hits. Brad left during the break. Bryan told people in the audience to get a copy of the free CDs before they left from Smoke, the promoter. They were 2 CD PAs from the prior week's performance at Takoma Station - the setlist was similar, they were good. I talked with Bryan about my friend George Darden who talks about him a lot. He said George has known him since he was a baby, George went to high school with Bryan's brother Rico. George told me Rico is still his best friend. I talked with Adia, Kwik, Adia's friend Ayisha (spelling?), and the security guard about Heaven Sent, Rare Essence, What? Band, and Adia's move. Second Set  Derek, Bryan, Mark, Smoke
 Adia, Ice, Derek, Kwik, Bryan, Little Benny
 Bryan, Little Benny, Daneze, Mark, Smoke Ayisha is sitting at the table on the right All pictures taken by and Copyright - Jordan A Rich 1) Adia-led ? - conga crank --> 2) Derek-led "you really... bad (or mad) love... make me" - Smoke played the cowbell, it cranked, Little Benny walked in: he was amused to see me for a second night in a row 3) Derek-led Prince's Pop Life - Little Benny joined in, he macked on Ayisha the entire set, Derek walked around the dance floor 4) Derek-led Ne-Yo's So Sick - Daneze (spelling?) took over in the middle --> 5) Adia-led Mary J. Blige's Enough Cryin' - smoke played the cowbell, it cranked 6) Little Benny-led "Big or tall... work that beat" 7) Derek-led "got to see... fantasy... drink" - Derek sang on the dance floor, GoGo Mickey was there, Little Benny said, "Mickey's in the house y'all" 8) Derek-led NORE's I'm a G - the house lights came on Sean of Familiar Faces & ASAP was there. 9) Little Benny-led Young Joc's It's Going Down - I filmed it, Little Benny got GoGo Mickey to sit in on congas / Conga solo - it cranked 10) Derek-led Rare Essence's Lock It - I filmed it 11) Instrumental (cover) - I filmed it It's a shame the audience was small, the music was good. Someone was playing the congas still when I walked out and drove by.
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 3 October 2006 7:33 PM EDT
Wednesday, 27 September 2006
Little Benny's Birthday at South Beach
I had added Patrice Bowie on myspace, and she sent me this message: Hey Jordan I'm glad to have you as a friend. I want to invite you this Tuesday at 6pm to 10pm at the South Beach Restaurant in Bethesda. You say like go go will come it will be Little Benny's Birthday and he'll be jamming with me. Also Sugarfoot" Rick Wellman" will be kick the on the drums. Please say you'll come......Patrice So I decided to come. It is really close to my home. South Beach, 7904 Woodmont Ave, Bethesda, MD 20810 I came by after work. I didn't realize until I looked at a menu that this restaurant belonged to Gary Clark, the former Redskins wide receiver. I had my camera. Jai Mallory, who helps market the event, came over and talked with me. This weekly event is not just to see Patrice Bowie perform, but also it is "Industry Night" - networking for the entertainment industry. Jai introduced me to Ted "Buzzy" Pindell, the promoter, soundman, producer, Patrice's manager, and trumpet player. Dali was taking pictures, he's a pro. Patrice Bowie Project The line up was: Patrice Bowie (lead singer), Cindy (backup vocalist), Kanika (backup vocalist), Little Benny (talker & trumpet, second set only), Ted "Buzzy" Pindell (soundman & trumpet player), Stan "Strumfunky" Cooper (guitar), Dennis (bass), Randy Choice (keyboards), Ricky "Sugarfoot" Wellman (drums). First Set - Started at 7:18  Dennis, Ricky, Stan, Buzzy (back to camera), Randy
 Patrice, Cindy, Kanika
 1) Instrumental - the three singers went off to the side (to coordinate?), Patrice took the mic and walked around - she did so most of the performance, Patrice mentioned they would be performing songs from her album "Fingalickin Good" 2) Patrice-led Alicia Keys' Unbreakable Little Benny and Soldierette arrived. 3) Patrice-led Mary J. Blige's Be Without You 4) Patrice-led Alicia Keys' Diary 5) Patrice-led Butterflies (an original from her album) 6) Patrice-led Letoya Luckett's Torn 7) Patrice-led Give It to Me (an original from her album) - nice band solos The backup singers danced in place throughout the set. Patrice introduced Little Benny. I introduced myself to Stan and Ricky. Second Set 1) Patrice-led Fingalickin (an original from her album) - nice guitar play by Stan, he came up to Patrice as he played, Patrice held her mic up to fans 2) Patrice-led Say Yes (an original from her album) - Patrice held her mic to a male fan who was a singer, ladies screamed 3) Patrice-led Heather Headley's In My Mind - nice guitar play by Stan 4) Patrice-led Amazing (an original from her album) 5) Patrice-led Beyonce's Deja Vu - Little Benny joined it, he said, "Feel alright? Now scream", Little Benny and Buzzy played the trumpet, Little Benny said, "Wave your hands in the air", Little Benny said, "I'd like everybody to say happy birthday"  Little Benny, Patrice Jai, is on the far right
    All pictures taken by and Copyright - Jordan A Rich (but not the Copyright on the flyers) 6) Little Benny-led 50 Cent's In Da Club - fans stood up 7) Little Benny-led "Hey ay, Ho oh" - Patrice held her mic to fans 8) Little Benny-led Jeannie's Juice Theme 9) Little Benny-led "Tired yet?" - Patrice held her mic to fans 10) Little Benny-led "Uh oh, turn off the radio, don't even touch that dial" / Patrice-led Close to Me (original) / Little Benny-led Cat in the Hat 11) Little Benny & Patrice-led Lighters Up - People held candles from their tables up, it cranked 12) Little Benny-led Young Joc's It's Going Down 13) Little Benny chanted, "Go Benny, it's your birthday" - he held his mic to fans 14) Little Benny-led Rare Essence's Lock It - not bad, but strange without congas I enjoyed the performance. I preferred Patrice's originals to the covers she performed. I will definitely come out to see her perform again. Gary Clark was talking outside with a couple of fans about all the current Redskins who have come to his restaurant recently. Soldierette also has pictures she took at this event on her website, she warned they will not stay in a fixed address. Currently click on Da Folks, click on Photo Gallery, click on GoGo - right now the pictures are on pages 2 through 4.
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 28 November 2006 10:32 PM EST
Sunday, 24 September 2006
Sweetchelle's birthday party
Mirrors, 33 New York Avenue N.E. Washington, DC 20002 When I first arrived, I went to the front door. As I was showing my ID to the security guy, a beautiful woman stuck her head out the door. I went in and obviously this wasn't the event I had come for: it was a music video shoot. As I watched them filming a club scene, a Mirrors employee asked me if the artist was Godzilla (I have no idea). I watched for a while, then I asked where L!ssen and Dynasty were performing. I had to go around to the side entrance, it was upstairs. Nita and Gaylynn (whom I met for the first time) arranged a private room, placing the cakes, etc... I didn't like how there was a translucent curtain between the seats and the dance floor and how all of the furniture didn't face the stage. L!ssen Da Grew ^P I'm not sure of the line up, but Shante (Songbird) wasn't there, It's a shame because she's friends with Sweetchelle and I. They took a while warming up, it was hard to tell when their warming up ended and their set began. They played a familiar Jazz tune. They were playing music that was way too light for my taste. Scooby did birthday shout outs to Michelle. They played Beyonce's Deja Vu, which was the first song that cranked, it was initially an instrumental. I also recognized: Bobby Caldwell's What You Won't Do for Love, R. Kelly's Fiesta, Busta Rhyme's I Love My Chick featuring Kelis, Lil Kim's Lighters Up, their original Sunshine, Snoop's Drop It Like It's Hot, B.G.'s I Know, Vinnie D's $55 Motel, Freak a Deak Zone, Rare Essence's One on One, "Hey ay, Ho oh", they played a sample of Shawnna's Getting Some, D4L's Laffy Taffy, and Dem Franchise Boyz' I Think They Like Me. I don't like how they choose not to crank, but even they cranked, they really didn't move me much. They've got great vocal talent, but their music really isn't for me. I introduced myself to Toya, a friend of Nita's. Tracie (RE_Admin/Model_Chick) was there. Even though Dynasty was performing later on, I decided to leave at 12:45 to go see Familiar Faces at Tradewinds. I said good bye to Sweetchelle before I left. I had wished that Dynasty had opened so I could have seen them instead of L!ssen (since I much prefer Dynasty), but since L!ssen plays at J's on Saturdays, they opened.  The woman on the right was celebrating her birthday too. The guy tried to convince me to become a professional GoGo pics guy. All pictures taken by and Copyright - Jordan A Rich (but not the Copyright on the flyers)
The video shoot was still going on, but outside, as I walked to my car.
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 3 October 2006 7:08 PM EDT
Familiar Faces at Tradewinds
Tradewinds Night Club, 5859 Allentown Way, Camp Springs, MD 20748 Mousie and Tasha (T-Bird) were there. Familiar Faces Most of members of Familiar Faces were formally dressed, as they had earlier performed at the Virgos Party. I went to last year's. First Set Last song) Halima-led Mary J. Blige's My Life Shameika, Jazzy Layse, RE Angie, Darrell, Los, Pinkey, Val "Tina Turner", Tracy, Boo, Shaunte (Stacey's cousin), Ray, Angie W., Archie, Mia, Simone, Nece, and Shawn were there. Doc told me at the break that Marion Barry had been at the Virgos Party. Halima played congas during the break. Second Set 1) Alternating Donnell-led Nicole the Bartender - it cranked, Donnell said, "If you went to Nicole, hold your drinks up" / Lil' Scrappy's Money in the Bank (tease) - interrupted by girls arguing Keisha, Jan, India, and Tasha were there. 2) Donnell-led "Familiar Faces is for the grown & sexy" 3) Sean-led Busta Rhyme's I Love My Chick featuring Kelis - it cranked 4) Alternating Donnell-led Trillville's Some Cut - Sean sang, it cranked, the frontline did the bowing dance / Notorious BIG's Warning / Keith Murray's Call My Name (tease) / Scarface's I Seen a Man Die (tease) / "wait a minute" echoes 5) Donnell-led "25, 25, 25" / Rare Essence's Work the Walls - it cranked 6) Donnell-led Welcome to the Terrordome (tease) - RE Angie sat in on congas / "RE-Angie" chant" 7) Halima-led Christina Milian's Say I featuring Young Jeezy / Aaliyah's I Need You Tonight (tease) / Donnell-led "Brandywine, friends of mine" chant / Donnell-led "Hands free, they're f*cking with me" chant / Donnell-led "Langston Lane love" chant - the house lights came on 8) Halima-led Beyonce's Deja Vu - it cranked James was there. 9) Donnell-led "Reggae" / Sean-led Damien Marley's Beautiful - ended by a fight
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 11 May 2007 10:16 PM EDT
Saturday, 23 September 2006
Lisa of the World's birthday celebration at J?s
J's Sports Cafe, 12617 Laurel Bowie Rd (Route 197), Laurel, MD 20708 Two women, NeeNee and Kia, introduced themselves to me as we walked in the parking lot to J's. Khari (of Mambo Sauce) was there. I caught the end of Jammin' Jeff & Da Band's set - they finally had their conga player - it was the most crankin' I've ever heard them (their sax player was rapping, as was Doc (not FF's)). Fat Cat, Britney (both of them), Danielle (whom I haven't seen in a long time), Christina, Nikki, Tony, Steve, James, Damond, Shadonna (with new hairdo), Val "Tina Turner", Chris, Los, Netty, and Ray were there. I wished Lisa of the World a happy birthday. I told her she didn't look real celebratory, she said she was still recovering from last night (at Zanzibar). Familiar Faces First Set 1) Halima-led Cheri Dennis' I Love You - it cranked, Donnell did birthday announcements. He said, "We need to talk about Lisa of the World. Last night, she was on her head." / Donnell-led 50 Cent's In Da Club (tease) Asmoothpoet, Danette, Mousie, Tasty, and Keta were there. 2) Donnell-led "___ Is in the house" 3) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh" 4) Donnell B.G.'s I Know (tease) - the crow responded "Hey, hey, hey" 5) Sean-led Ne-Yo's When You're Mad - Sean sang at the edge of the dance floor to a woman named Shawn (celebrating her birthday), it cranked / Percussion solo 6) Alternating Donnell-led "___ Is Yes" / "You make me want to see, just how freaky you can be" / "Keep it low" 7) Halima-led Mary J. Blige's My Life - Scooby sat in A woman got on the mic and did an announcement in Spanish. Alexis was there. 6'9 was there. Second Set 1) Alternating Donnell-led Nicole the Bartender / Lil' Scrappy's Money in the Bank (tease) / 50 Cent's In Da Club (tease) - it cranked, Donnell chanted, "Eya, eya", Sean tossed Packy a tambourine 2) Sean-led Busta Rhyme's I Love My Chick featuring Kelis / Percussion solo - Donnell chanted, "Eya, eya" 3) Donnell-led "Unh, unh unh" - Donnell said, "We don't do that anymore. Cheverly Terrace, we'll say your name, but we don't do crew symbols. If you have to do that, this may not be the party for you." 4) Donnell-led "Reggae" / Sean-led Damien Marley's Beautiful / Donnell-led "But is it like that, is it really like that" Tyrell was there. 5) Alternating Donnell-led "Party, Party, everybody" / Sean-led Ne-Yo's So Sick - it cranked / Percussion solo 6) Halima-led Christina Milian's Say I featuring Young Jeezy - it cranked / Aaliyah's I Need You Tonight (tease) / Donnell-led "Brandywine, friends of mine" chant 7) Donnell & Sean-led "On the small of her back, she got a tattoo" / Percussion solo - the house lights came on, the crowd shouted, "Wind me up, Smoke!", Donnell said, "Say what? Do what?" 8) Halima-led Beyonce's Deja Vu - it cranked 9) Donnell acapella "The greatest story never told" 10) Donnell acapella Rare Essence's How Can I Know?
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Thursday, 21 September 2006
Wednesday at the Phish Tea Cafe
Phish Tea Cafe, 1335 H St NE Washington, DC 20002 Darrell, Shameika, March, Mama Chelle, Yvette, Felecia, Shawn, Tracy, RE Angie, LA, Chanel, Stacy, June, Sixx of Raw Image (with crutches), and Los were there. Familiar Faces First Set 1) Instrumental - Donnell played on the dance floor, Donnell said, "We made this up right here, right now" 2) Grover Washington Jr.'s Mr. Magic - it cranked Benjiy was there. 3) Mother's Day 4) Sean-led Gerald Levert's Funny - it cranked --> 6'9 and June were there. 5) Sean-led Ne-Yo's Sexy Love / Percussion solo The set ended early because they had technical problems. Tony, GoGo Mickey, Tamara, Nena, Maiah, Kay (with a couple of female friends celebrating their birthdays), and Peg Leg were there. Second Set 1) Halima-led Cheri Dennis' I Love You - it cranked / Percussion solo - Donnell said, "This is where the stars be partyin'" 2) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh" 3) Donnell-led "Do it for the ladies/fellas, Oh my God!" 4) Sean-led Brian McKnight's Find Myself in You Imani was there. 5) Donnell-led 50 Cent's In Da Club 6) Halima-led Christina Milian's Say I featuring Young Jeezy - it cranked 7) Donnell-led "On the small of her back, she got a tattoo" - Donnell performed on the dance floor / "Brandywine, friends of mine" chant 8) Donnell-led "Party, party, everybody" / Sean-led Ne-Yo's So Sick / Percussion solo 9) Donnell-led "___ Is yes!" / sample "What?" / "You make me want to see, just how freaky you can be" / "Keep it low" 10) Sean-led Busta Rhyme's I Love My Chick featuring Kelis - it cranked / Percussion solo / Donnell-led Nicole the Bartender (tease) 11) Donnell-led "Reggae" / Sean-led Damien Marley's Beautiful 12) Halima-led Mary J. Blige's My Life (samples Roy Ayers' Everybody Loves the Sunshine) - Godfather played the flugelhorn, Donnell and Lorenzo continued to play, Lorenzo was the last to finish playing I talked with Byrd. Damond was there.
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 10 June 2007 4:07 PM EDT
Sunday, 17 September 2006
Saturday at Tradewinds
Tradewinds Night Club, 5859 Allentown Way, Camp Springs, MD 20748 Keshia, Nita, Sharon, Ebo, Debbie, James, Miss T & Miss V, Shawn, Los, and Fat Cat were there. Familiar Faces First Set 1) Sly & the Family Stone's Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) (instrumental tease) / Halima-led Cherri Dennis' I Love You - it cranked, Halima held her mic to fans, she said, "She's scared, y'all" / Percussion solo "original" Nikki, Alena & Shawn, and Angie (Ebo's friend) were there. 2) Alternating Sean-led Ne-Yo's Sexy Love / Michael Jackson's Human Nature (tease) / Percussion solo - it cranked, Donnell said, "If it's your birthday, put your hands in the air. God almighty, we got a lot of birthdays in the house" / Donnell-led 50 Cent's In Da Club (tease) 3) Sean-led Brian McKnight's Find Myself in You 4) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh" 5) Alternating Donnell-led "Party, party, everybody" / "Familiar Faces is for the grown & sexy" / Percussion solo - it cranked / Sean-led Ne-Yo's So Sick - Donnell chanted, "Eya eya", Donnell said, "Hey D-O-C" 6) Donnell-led "___ Is yes!" / "You make me want to see, just how freaky you can be" / sample "What?" / "Keep it low" / Donnell B.G.'s I Know (tease) - the crow responded "Hey, hey, hey" / "Reggae" / Sean-led Damien Marley's Beautiful (tease) Keshia, Jan, and Monica were there. 7) Sean-led Chingy's Pulling Me Back featuring Tyrese Shameika, Jackie, and Mona were there. Ariel, Pinkey, Tia, Rachelle, Ray, Choo Choo (celebrating her birthday), Keshia, and Mimi were there. D Ball was there. I talked with him. He said he was trying to get a GoGo band to come play in Houston. A woman named Cinda (spelling?) introduced herself to me. Vic, Christina, and Nikki were there. Second Set 1) Donnell-led Nicole the Bartender - it cranked 2) Halima-led Floetry's Supastar - it cranked / Donnell-led Rare Essence's "Going to Hollywood" 3) Alternating Donnell-led Trillville's Some Cut - the frontline danced the bowing dance / Notorious BIG's Warning / Keith Murray's Call My Name (tease) / Scarface's I Seen a Man Die (tease) / "Wait a minute" echoes Mousie and Archie were there. 4) Donnell-led "Unh, unh unh" I zoned out a little so I may have missed a song. 5) Donnell-led Public Enemy's Welcome to the Terrordome (tease) - it cranked March, TT, and Peg Leg were there. 6) Donnell-led Rare Essence's All Da Time / "Brandywine, friends of mine" chant / Conga solo - the crowd shouted, "Wind me up, Smoke!" and Donnell responded, "Say what?" 7) Halima-led Christina Milian's Say I featuring Young Jeezy - it cranked / Aaliyah's I Need You Tonight (tease) - Donnell shouted, "Killazoo" / Donnell-led "Brandywine, friends of mine" chant / Donnell said, "Hands free, they're f*cking with me!" - interrupted by a fight, Donnell called for the house lights, Donnell said, "This is a good party, if you can't the number, find somebody else" Mama Chelle was there. 8) Donnell-led "On the small of her back, she got a tattoo" 9) Halima-led Beyonce's Deja Vu - it cranked, Packy played the cowbell, the house lights came on / Instrumental Donnell did his usual joning on Charlie about Choo Choo.
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 11 May 2007 10:18 PM EDT
Saturday, 16 September 2006
Unseen Band at Club Kingdom
Kingdom Baptist Church, 2574 Business Park Ct, Waldorf, MD 20601 It took me an hour and a half to get there due to the rain. I could hear the crank from Unseen Band warming up from the parking lot. I went in and paid the highly affordable $7. The cover taker asked me where I heard of the show. I told her an email from DK the Rapper. She said, "That's my husband!" Unseen Band DK (lead talker, City (rapper), Queen B (female vocalist), Ms. Kisha (female vocalist), Will (keyboard player), Ty (drummer, guest sitting in), J Redz (conga player), and a cowbell player. Sound Check 1) DK-led "Praise God with Me" City said, "Sing this with me if you know the words." 2) City-led "At Eastern Motors, your job's your credit"  City's son Lil Jo at the middle mic, he sat on a chair to the left of City throughout the performance. Unseen Band had a group prayer.  Set  Front: City, Queen B, Ms. Kisha, DK the Rapper, Back: J Redz, Ty, Will (The guy behind Will and the guy standing in fron of the right speaker are members of Connection) All pictures taken by and Copyright - Jordan Rich Queen B-led "Hands up, Hallelujah, Do you want to see the light, Do you want to go to a place" - it alternated between crankin' and laid back / "Have you never been the..." - music was to Michael MacDonald's I Keep Forgettin' (Every Time You're Near) / DK-led "When I use the word of God with (second time "on") the demon attack" They definitely cranked. It was really all one circular track as they kept repeating parts - it was certainly different. It was a short set, less than half an hour. That was because the audience was so small due to the heavy rain. Most of the audience consisted of members of the Connection Band, the Gospel GoGo band that was playing next. After Unseen's performance, they played the entire PA of the performance. The break was too long for me and I left.
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 24 September 2006 2:20 PM EDT
Friday at J's
J's Sports Cafe, 12617 Laurel Bowie Rd (Route 197), Laurel, MD 20708 Jammin' Jeff & Da Band They had a percussionist, playing cowbell and timbales. Black Heart sat in on congas. Michelle T., Tanya, and Scottie Jay were there. Set 1) Jay-led "Treat her right... speak to me baby" Shadonna was there. 2) Allison-led Alicia Key's Unbreakable 3) Allison-led Jill Scott's Golden 4) Jay-led Prince's Kiss Ebo and Debbie (celebrating her birthday) were there. 5) Jay-led Marvin Gaye's Got to Give It Up 6) Jay-led Earth, Wind & Fire's September 7) Allison-led Rose Royce's Carwash 8) Allison-led A Taste of Honey's Boogie Oogie Oogie Tasha (T-Bird) and Sashay Shaunte were there. 9) Jay-led Michael Jackson's Billy Jean - it had a rough crank 10) Jay-led Michael Jackson's PYT 11) Allison-led Kelly Clarkson's Since You've Been Gone Fat Cat was there. 12) Allison-led "recognize... I have... oh yeah" Chanel was there. 13) Allison-led ? 14) Jay-led "but it wasn't because..." - Doc (not FF's) was in as lead talker 15) Jay-led ? 16) Allison-led Ashlee Simpson's Pieces of Me 17) Allison-led Beyonce's Deja Vu / Jay-led Michael Jackson's I Can't Help It 18) Allison-led Mary J. Blige's Enough Cryin' It was nice hearing them with a conga player for the first time. I enjoyed it. Britney, Shelly, JuJu, and Alexis were there. Duane told me that Tiger is his cousin and Omarr's cousin. Big Don Pimp and Peg Leg were there. Familiar Faces First Set 1) Donnell & Sean-led Luther Vandross' Promise Me - Donnell said, "Hey Scooby" / Percussion solo - it cranked Shaunte (Stacey's cousin), Danielle (Wellfhed), and Stallion were there. 2) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh" 3) Donnell-led Lil' Scrappy's Money in the Bank (tease) / Brown & White - it cranked, the frontline danced, Halima sang, "Who's that girl?" / Ride Out - Los danced onstage 4) Alternating Donnell-led "Party, party, everybody" / Percussion solo / Sean-led Ne-Yo's So Sick - Donnell chanted, "Eya eya", Donnell said, "Hey D-O-C" Stacey and Isis (celebrating her birthday) were there. 5) Alternating Halima-led Christina Milian's Say I featuring Young Jeezy / Aaliyah's I Need You Tonight (tease) - Donnell shouted, "Killazoo" / Donnell-led "Brandywine, friends of mine" chant 6) Donnell-led 50 Cent's In Da Club (tease) 6'9 was there. 7) Alternating Donnell-led "___ Is yes!" / Sample "What?" / "You make me want to see, just how freaky you can be" / "Keep it low" 8) Sean-led Chingy's Pulling Me Back featuring Tyrese Donnell announced that they would be playing at Lee Center in Alexandria at 4 PM the next day (a make up for the original being rained out). Muffin, India, Ray, and Shawn were there. I met Shay. Second Set 1) Sly & the Family Stone's Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) (instrumental tease) / Halima-led Cherri Dennis' I Love You - it cranked, Halima said, "Come on Isis" 2) Alternating Sean-led Busta Rhyme's I Love My Chick featuring Kelis - it cranked, Halima rapped "Let it... here we are..." / Donnell-led DJ Webstar featuring Young B's Chicken Noodle Soup 3) Alternating Donnell-led "Reggae" - it cranked / Sean-led Damien Marley's Beautiful (tease) / Donnell-led "But is it like that, is it really like that" 4) Donnell-led "On the small of her back, she got a tattoo" 5) Donnell-led "Unh, unh unh" - it cranked 6) Donnell-led Rare Essence's Marinda - it cranked 7) Donnell-led Trina Was Great - it cranked 8) Donnell-led 911 - it cranked, the frontline danced, the house lights came on 9) Halima-led Beyonce's Deja Vu - Duane Face sat in on Godfather's keyboard while Godfather played the flugelhorn, it cranked, Donnell and DP played on the floor of the reserved seating area facing the stage (right in front of me) I talked with Tarita (spelling?) who looked very familiar to me.
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 30 July 2007 7:21 PM EDT
Thursday, 14 September 2006
Wednesday Familiar Faces' debut at Phish Tea Cafe
Phish Tea Cafe, 1335 H St NE Washington, DC 20002 Tamara, Tracy S., Pinkey, Darrell, LA (she asked me to advertise her passion parties, you can email her here), Chanel, Angie W., Sam (Black Heart), Damont (02), "original" Nikki, Shawn, Shaunte (Songbird), Ras Lidj, Sashay, June, and Los were there. Familiar Faces First Set 1) Blueprint (instrumental) - Donnell played his Sax on the dance floor, Halima had a new hairdo, Donnell said, "This is the expression of real music... freestyling... improvisation... this was our plan from elementary school" / Sean improved "Phish tea... we're going to play for you... how you been it's a long day" / Halima went on the dance floor and improved Danielle (Wellfhed) and Nece (the promoter) were there. 2) Sean-led Brian McKnight's Anytime - Sean sang on the dance floor back where the TMOTT crew was, it appeared he was singing to Ro'chelle (toosweet), Ras Lidj & Black Heart held up their lit cell phones Danielle (Pink) was there. 3) Halima-led Sade's Pearls - Halima sang on the dance floor, there were echo effects 4) Halima-led Betty Wright's Tonight Is the Night - Halima said, "This song made me think of my Mama. This is the music we used to play", Donnell said, "You know what she's talking about Nece? Nece's about 41 herself" Shameika was there. 5) Halima-led Sade's No Ordinary Love - it cranked, the dance floor was filled / Percussion solo - Donnell said of Nece's dancing, "You alright Nece?" Muffin and Damond were there. 6) Sean-led Ne-Yo's When You're Mad - Sean sang on the dance floor 7) Sean-led Ne-Yo's Sexy Love - Sean sang on the dance floor / Percussion solo Tyrell was there. 8) Donnell-led "On the small the small of her back, she got a tattoo" - it cranked Tim (LJ) was there. 9) Sean-led Peabo Bryson's Feel the Fire Chris was there. 10) Sean-led Chingy's Pulling Me Back featuring Tyrese Chipster, Nataki (~Butta~) (first time I've seen her in 6 months), and Imani were there. Chipster for some reason introduced me to her sister Shaun and her friend Nora, even though I've know them for a while. However, it is the first time I've seen Chipster and her sister together. Chipster said, "I introduced them to Familiar Faces, now they are groupies."
Donnell, DJ Flava, and Danielle (Wellfhed) all wore similar red collared shirts.
Donnell joked that "Drew Bledsoe is 75 years old." 02 talked about how in Miami, DP had beaten Black Heart in checkers in only 5 minutes. Second Set 1) Sean-led Brian McKnight's Find Myself in You / Percussion solo 2) Halima-led Cheri Dennis' I Love You - it cranked 3) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh" / Alternating Halima-led Floetry's Supastar - Packy played the cowbell, it cranked / Donnell-led Rare Essence's "Going to Hollywood" 4) Donnell-led "Party, party, everybody" / Alternating Sean-led Ne-Yo's So Sick / 50 Cent's In Da Club (tease) - Donnell shouted, "Wait a minute" / Percussion solo 5) Donnell-led "___ Is yes!" / "You make me want to see, just how freaky you can be" / sample "What?" / "keep it low" 6) Alternating Halima-led Christina Milian's Say I featuring Young Jeezy - it cranked / Aaliyah's I Need You Tonight (tease) - Donnell said, "Killazoo" 7) Donnell-led "Reggae" / Sean-led Damien Marley's Beautiful - Halima sang, "Give your love to me" 8) Halima-led Beyonce's Deja Vu - Packy played the cowbell I quote 02's description of Nataki's dancing in the second set: "Young Butta... You jive LOST IT for a sec... I looked over at you and you was swinging your hair around in circles.....GUNS N ROSES style! I said to myself..."Oh deez bammas are CRANKIN"" Darlene was there. I talked with Byrd. 9) Donnell rapped "If you like it a lot, just make it a double... pop theatre"
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 10 June 2007 4:09 PM EDT
Sunday, 10 September 2006
Darrell's Pool Party and Tradewinds
Darrell's Pool PartyDarrell's house, Beltsville, MD I came too early at first; it had been pushed back due to Maryland's home game against Middle Tennessee State. (Maryland eventually won 24-10). When I came back, Darrell, his sister Darlene, and Starr were there. Over time, Tracy Smoot, her sister Debbie, LA, Chanel, RE Angie, Darlene's husband Johnny, Yvette, and Tiny were there. We read the responses to Darrell's listing of his house for rent, strangely they read like personal ads.
 RE Angie, Darrell, Chanel, Cornel, Tracy
 Tiny posing
 Rhonda (spelling?) and ?  Darlene, her husband Johnny, and ?
 Chanel, RE Angie - playing air congas to the FF July 8th PA of her playing congas during Public Enemy's Welcome to the Terrordome, Tracy
I left when it was time to go to Tradewinds. Tradewinds Night Club, 5859 Allentown Way, Camp Springs, MD 20748 Ebo, Trea, Javonne, Danette, Keshia, Nita, Archie, Pinkey, Shawn, Ray, Kandi, Tasha, 6'9, Shanti, Pee Wee, Los, and Fat Cat were there. Familiar Faces First Set 1) Instrumental - it cranked / Alternating Sean-led Ne-Yo's Sexy Love / Percussion Solo / Michael Jackson's Human Nature (tease) - Charlie played the cowbell 2) Alternating Halima-led Floetry's Supastar - it cranked, the frontline danced, Halima sang at the edge of the dance floor, Halima held her mic to a fan who declined, Halima said, "She's scared y'all" / Donnell-led Rare Essence's "Going to Hollywood" 3) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh" 4) Alternating Donnell-led "___ Is yes!" / "keep it low" / Percussion solo Britney (blonde hair), RE Angie, Keshia, and Jan were there. 5) Donnell-led "Party, party, everybody" / Percussion solo / Sean-led Ne-Yo's So Sick - Donnell said, "Eya eya", Los danced onstage Tata and Pinky (dyed hair) were there. 6) Donnell-led Rare Essence's Lock It - it cranked Shaunte (Stacey's Cousin) was there. 7) Donnell-led Rare Essence's Geraldine - Los went back onstage 8) Sean-led Jamie Foxx's DJ Play a Love Song - different keyboard riffs Jazzy Layse, Bam, Chevy, Nikki were there. 9) Sean-led Chingy's Pulling Me Back featuring Tyrese - Halima held her mic to the fans James, Vic, Byrd, Derek (keyboard player for CCB, he told me he's there every week), Mousie, Shameika, Quay (Shorty Q), "original" Nikki, Mona, Shelly, and Slick Rick were there. RE Angie played congas during the break. A guy must have thought I was the Post reporter since he said to me, "You decided to come out tonight, too?" Second Set 1) Donnell-led Nicole the Bartender / Halima-led Cheri Dennis' I Love You - it cranked, interrupted by a fight, in pushing the fight outside, the monitor board was knocked over, Halima held her mic to fans Ian and Peg Leg were there. 2) Sean-led Busta Rhyme's I Love My Chick featuring Kelis - it cranked, Donnell shouted, "Wait a minute" / Percussion solo / Donnell-led B.G.'s I Know (tease) - the crowd responded, "Hey hey hey" --> 3) Donnell-led "On the small of her back, she got a tattoo" - Sean stood on the right speaker, Donnell added new lines "I don't know where I stand, I need to be your man", it cranked 4) Alternating Donnell-led "Reggae" / Sean-led Damien Marley's Beautiful - Halima sang, "Give your love to me", Packy played the cowbell / Donnell-led "But is it like that, is it really like that" - Jazzy Layse danced onstage, it was interrupted by a fight, Halima said, "Nicole, Nicole" / Halima & Sean-led Trey Songz' Gotta Go (tease) - the house lights came on / Shawnna's Getting Some (tease) Big Don Pimp was there. 5) Halima-led Beyonce's Deja Vu - Packy played the cowbell 6) Donnell-led Public Enemy's Welcome to the Terrordome - RE Angie played congas / "RE, Angie" chant 7) Donnell-led Nicole the Bartender (tease) 8) Donnell-led It Is What It Is 9) Donnell-led 911 - John and another manager made them stop Donnell announced they would be playing at Phish Tea Cafe starting this Wednesday. 10) Donnell acapella "Greatest story never told" Filling up at the Sunoco, Godfather told me to come out to Phish Tea Cafe for at least the first show. He was in a car with his friend Steve, and another friend, Rodney, who introduced himself to me.
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 10 June 2007 4:10 PM EDT
Saturday, 9 September 2006
Rickea & Nephew's birthday celebration
J's Sports Cafe, 12617 Laurel Bowie Rd (Route 197), Laurel, MD 20708 I arrived in time to hear the end of Jammin' Jeff & Da Band's second set: Alison-led Floetry's Say Yes. I heard 02 and Black Heart performed with them, sorry I missed that. Tracy S., LA, 6'9, Ria, Netty, Simone, Nece, Jay Floyd, Tim (LJ), Marvin, Yvette, Felecia, 02, Black Heart, Songbird, Tamika, Janetta, Tiffany F., Rickea, Big Don Pimp, Lisa of the World, "original" Nikki, Shawn, Ray, and Los were there. The Washington Post photographer that Nephew said would be there was easy to spot. I guess the other white guy he was talking to was the reporter. Familiar Faces Sound Check Donnell acapella Nicole the bartender (J's also has a bartender named Nicole). RE Angie was there. Sean wore his tie dye Superman shirt. First Set Donnell said, "Don, don't you never wear that Cowboy jersey in my house again." 1) Sean-led Luther Vandross' Promise Me - it cranked, Donnell said, "There's a Washington Post photographer, make sure you don't knock him over.", Halima sat on a speaker behind the drum kit, Donnell said, "My brother Jay, treat him easy, don't make him greasy" / Percussion solo 2) Halima-led Cheri Dennis' I Love You - Donnell posed to the lyrics, Halima sang on the dance floor and held her mic to a fan, it cranked 3) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh" 4) Donnell-led 50 Cent's In Da Club (tease) 5) Sean-led Ne-Yo's When You're Mad - Sean sang at the edge of the dance floor to Tamika, Donnell went on the dance floor 6) Donnell-led "___ Is yes!" / sample "What?" / "You make me want to see, just how freaky you can be" / "keep it low" - ended by a fight unfortunately, I was a little too close as one of the guys fighting grabbed my arm to help himself up 7) Sean-led Jamie Foxx's DJ Play a Love Song The photographer was right up front during the set. He took pictures of the band and the crowd - he had a digital camera. I didn't see him in the second set. A guy told me, "That's an aberration." I said, "I'm not the Post reporter." Kay, Mia, Blue of Y2K, MeCelle, Tracy, Tori, Dana, Dawn, Archie, and April "JuJu" were there. JuJu introduced me to a friend of hers, Alexis. A couple of jerks grabbed my notes, I don't know if they thought I was the Post reporter. Boo, Tyrell, and Mousie were there. Second Set 1) Rare Essence's Body Snatchers (instrumental tease) - it cranked 2) Donnell-led "On the small of her back, she got a tattoo" 3) (can't read) / Sean-led Busta Rhyme's I Love My Chick featuring Kelis - it cranked, Donnell shouted, "Wait a minute" / Smoke conga solo / Donnell-led Lil Wayne's Earthquake (tease) 4) Alternating Halima-led Christina Milian's Say I featuring Young Jeezy - Donnell said, "Killazoo" repeatedly, Halima held her mic to fans / Aaliyah's I Need You Tonight (tease) / Donnell-led "Brandywine, friends of mine" chant - Donnell said "Langston Lane love" - it cranked / Donnell-led "Reggae" / Sean-led Damien Marley's Beautiful, Packy played the cowbell / "But is it like that, is it really like that" / Shawnna's Getting Some (tease) - Scooby sat in 5) Halima-led Beyonce's Deja Vu - it cranked, the house lights came on, Los danced onstage, Donnell said, "It's your birthday", Donnell said, "Happy birthday Jacques, kept it low..." Kim (the one I don't know) was there. 6) Donnell acapella Nicole the Bartender Donnell said, "Jay's still got it. He locked me in the closet for three years..." Jay replied, "Stop talking about Eric's mother." (repeatedly) Donnell said of Los, talking on his cell, "Los struck out. He'll say, I was thinking of you all night, but I saw him strike out four times." He continued on and Los laughed. 7) Donnell acapella "The greatest story never told" - Donnell said, "I can sing. I'll fire Sean and Halima, press the button Googie." The article was published in Friday September 15th's Weekend section. You can read it here.
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 17 September 2006 11:09 PM EDT
Friday, 8 September 2006
Reminisce Band at Martini's
Martini's Restaurant & Lounge 725 Cady Dr, Fort Washington, MD 20744 I went to see Reminisce Band, which my friend Tata sings for. Reminisce Band Lead talker/percussionist, male vocalist/cowbell, Tata, Danisha (spelling?) female vocalist), bass player, 2 guitar players, a keyboard player, and a drummer. First Set 1) male-led Kem's Find Your Way (Back Into My Life) --> 2) male-led "I worked hard to get the things you need, Why you wanna play with me?" - he played the cowbell 3) Earth, Wind & Fire guitar riffs / male-led "Baby, there's no need to tell you, I wanna give you all of my love, let's pretend for one night that everything's alright" 4) male-led "reveal... baby... This falling inside... you make... I'm the kind of man who treats you with the utmost respect" Tata said this song is for Nina (spelling?, celebrating her birthday) because I know you'll know what the song is about" 5) Danisha-led (Jamie Foxx's) Mother's Finest's Love Changes - Danisha said, "I'm going to sing this even though I have a cold" Tata went on the dance floor, she said, "Any of you ladies tired, been crying?" 6) Tata-led Mary J. Blige's Enough Cryin' - it cranked The lead talker said, "We're going to slip into darkness" 7) Alternating male-led War's Slipping into Darkness / BT Express' Do It ('Till You're Satisfied) / EU's Da Butt - the lead talker played timbales The lead talker came over and thanked me for coming out. Tata and I talked. A woman gave out some pie - it was good. Later she passed out business cards - "The Pie Lady: Myra Riggs" The DJ went and danced during the break and got back to the DJ booth in time before the song ended. Second Set 1) Danisha-led Betty Wright's Tonight Is the Night - Danisha went on the dance floor, the male singer played the cowbell 2) lead talker-led "Piece of that pie pie" - it cranked / male-led Levert's Casanova - it cranked 3) male-led "thinking of you, never too much... get me started... broke" - nice guitar solo 4) male-led William DeVaughn's Be Thankful for What You Got 5) lead talker-led "Can we start this thing off right?" - it cranked, he said, "Chicken noodle soup" repeatedly Danisha said, "This is one of our originals" 6) Danisha-led "Everybody get up, shake your fantasy, make that body move" - it cranked 7) lead talker acapella Kanye West's Gold Digger (tease) The lead talker went on the dance floor 8) lead talker-led Cameo's Single Life - he said, "Single ladies, clap your hands", the male singer played the cowbell, it cranked, the lead talker played timbales, then went back to congas The lead talker went on the dance floor 9) lead talker-led DJ Webstar featuring Young B's Chicken Noodle Soup - he said, "I need a Soultrain" - the male singer played the cowbell, it cranked / Average White Band's Schoolboy Crush 10) lead talker acapella Sly & the Family Stone's (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) 11) Riff from the O'Jay's Money They had nice vocal harmony.
The food was good (I love seafood), but pricey. My waitress was very attentive (and beautiful).
Their manager, Wanda Vaughn, gave me her business card.
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 30 July 2007 7:25 PM EDT
Monday, 4 September 2006
Sunday Labor Day Celebration at Zanzibar
Zanzibar on the Waterfront, 700 Water Street SW Washington, DC 20024 Kim, John, his brother Derek, Gary, and Fat Cat were there. A female bartender I didn't recognize waved to me. I asked Paul who was playing first, he said Familiar Faces. When Doc arrived, I discussed it with him; he said Familiar Faces was playing 3 sets, with EU playing 2 sets in between downstairs. A number of people asked me if I worked there, or even owned Zanzibar. A number of people asked me about my taking notes and I told them about my website. I said hello to Maya briefly. Angie, Ebo (celebrating her birthday), and Kandi "Catseyes" (she wrote in my notes) were there. Familiar Faces First Set The members of Familiar Faces were all semi-formally dressed. 1) Mother's Day - Donnell played his Sax on the dance floor, Donnell played his Sax directly for Ebo, the various members of Familiar Faces had their own solos Shawnisse, Debbie, Arielle, and Michon were there. Donnell did announcements. 2) Sean-led John Legend's Ordinary People - Sean sang to Shawnisse --> Natalie, Gene, and Los were there. 3) Sean-led Brian McKnight's Anytime - Sean danced with Kim, walked around and sang to Ebo and Natalie and went back onstage 4) Halima-led Sade's Pearls - Halima had a new hairdo 5) Sean-led Peabo Bryson's Feel the Fire - Donnell did a birthday announcement for Ebo 6) Gerald Levert's Funny (instrumental tease) / Percussion solo - they started the crank / Sean-led Gerald Levert's Funny --> 7) Halima-led Jill Scott's Whatever - it cranked This is the first time I've seen a happy hour set (stylistically) since they left Takoma Station. As I and virtually everyone else walked downstairs, a beautiful girl I later learned is named Lisa asked me what I was doing there. I told her I go to lots of GoGos, largely Familiar Faces. She tested me by asking where they play on Saturdays. EU had already started playing when I walked into the room. EU First Set (in progress) Most of their line up was unfamiliar to me: Junie (male singer), female singer (didn't perform until the second set, but stood on the right side of the stage), Gregory "Sugar Bear" Elliott (vocals and bass), Demitrius "Demi-Doc" McGhee (vocalist/keyboard player), Tony (guitar), keyboard player (he played for Chuck later on), drummer, Derek (percussion), and another percussionist. 1) Junie-led Alexander O'Neal's If You Were Here Tonight? 2) Sugar Bear-led "Go Virgos, it's your birthday" - it cranked 3) Alternating Junie-led Dave Hollister's One Woman Man - it cranked, both Junie and Sugar Bear held their mics to the fans / Sugar Bear-led "Let the beat drop" --> 4) Sugar Bear-led Medley: "When are we going to get to the good part" / "I ain't got no dance... No steps y'all" / "Ooh ah, with your body" / Trillville's Some Cut / "Go Sheena, it's your birthday, Go Junie, it's your birthday" / "I love your..." / "Do it for the ladies/fellas" / "If you're sexy and you know it, raise your hands" - Junie held his mic stand over to fans / "Hold up, wait a minute" / "Party with your body" 5) Junie-led Luther Vandross' Take You Out "possibly can i take you out tonight?" / Derek conga solo 6) Sugar Bear-led Medley: "Party with your body" / Nelly's Flap Your Wings / "keep it right..." / Sly & the Family Stone's Family Affair - Sugar Bear did a shout out to Michelle Wright who was on the right side of the stage / (still the music to Family Affair) "Pump it up" - Michelle Wright walked over and kissed Sugar Bear on the cheek / Percussion solo - the 2nd percussionist played the timbales, Sugar Bear said, "Shake it shorty" / Kanye West's Gold Digger - the 2nd percussionist played the timbales / "Good googlie mooglie" / "Shake that thing" / "Are the Redskins the real deal?" / "Hold up wait a minute" / Freak a Deak Zone / "Hey ay" / Rare Essence's One on One / "If you're twenty-five and older, throw your hands up" / "S, SW" chant / "Party with your body" / "Hey ay, Ho oh" --> 7) Sugar Bear-led (UCB's) Sexy Lady Natalie introduced me to her sister-in-law, but I couldn't hear her name over the music. DeeDee was there. Familiar Faces Second Set (in progress) 1) Halima-led Sade's No Ordinary Love - it cranked / Percussion solo Britney, Simone, Nece, Sharika, and Delano were there. 2) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh" 3) Donnell-led "___ Is in the house" 4) Donnell-led 50 Cent's In Da Club (tease) "Go Ebony, it's your birthday" 5) Sean-led Ne-Yo's When You're Mad - it cranked, Donnell shouted, "Wait a minute", Sean sang at the edge of the dance floor 6) Alternating Donnell-led Trillville's Some Cut - the frontline and fans danced the bowing dance / Notorious BIG's Warning / Keith Murray's Call My Name (tease) / "Wait a minute" echoes / Scarface's I Seen a Man Die (tease) / Tupac's Hail Mary (tease) - the crowd said, "Ra da da" Peg Leg was there. 7) Donnell-led "Party, party, everybody" / Percussion solo / Sean-led Ne-Yo's So Sick - Michelle Wright was onstage, Donnell said, "Sing something to my baby", Donnell shouted, "Wait a minute", Donnell said, "Hey D-O-C", it cranked, girls danced onstage 8) Donnell-led "___ Is yes!" / Sample "What?" / "You make me want to see just how freaky you can be" / "keep it low" / "Reggae" - Packy played the cowbell / "But is it like that, is it really like that?" 9) Donnell-led Rare Essence's Marinda (literal tease) EU Second Set (in progress) 1) ? 2) Sugar Bear-led "Go Virgos, it's your birthday" - Godfather and Lorenzo were already in the room, I asked Lorenzo if they had a private elevator, he said, "Stairs" / "___ Is here" / Demi-Doc-led Lil Wayne's Earthquake - it cranked / Sugar Bear-led "Wow" / "Gimme that beat" / alternating (with Um Bop Bounce) Notorious BIG's Crush On You / Um Bop Bounce / "All the Redskins fans throw your hands up" / Slick Rick's La Di Da Di / Junie-led "Romantic..." / Sugar Bear-led "Shake that booty" - the 2nd percussionist played timbales / "Tell me what you feel like doing" - the crowd responded, "Feel like moving that body" / "Gimme that beat" 3) Junie-led Ne-Yo's Sexy Love - one of the women standing on the right side of the stage walked over and started singing backup vocals, but the mic wasn't on, so she borrowed Demi-Doc's mic, Junie went to the edge of the stage and held his mic to fans, the 2nd percussionist played congas and Derek played the cowbell, it cranked / 2nd percussionist conga solo --> 4) Sugar Bear-led "Time to work the body" / "Fellas, want to party with the ladies? / Rare Essence keyboard intro / music to Snoop's Drop It Like It's Hot, but lyrics "1, 2, 3, 4..." / Derek conga solo - Sugar Bear said, "Let the beat work" / "Yes indeed, we make you weak in the knees" / Young Joc's It's Going Down / "Don't you play with Sugar" / "Do it for the ladies/fellas" / If you're sexy and you know it, raise your hands" / "Ah, ya ya ya" / "Hold up, wait a minute" - it cranked / Funkadelic's Undisco Kidd (tease) / Bad Girls (Cops theme) (tease) / "Hey ya ya ya" / "Pop the Coochie" / "Beat your feet everybody" / "Eya eya" / "Booty, booty, booty" - Junie pulled a girl onstage, I later learned her name is Vicky and she was celebrating her birthday / OutKast's I Like the Way You Move / "Rock the... work the middle, Change positions" / Hues Corporation's Rock the Boat / "Party with your body" Halima, Sean, and Omarr walked past me and greeted me on their way back upstairs. Val "Tina Turner" was there. 5) Female singer-led "coming on the... alright alright" - the 2nd percussionist played timbales / Sugar Bear-led "Let me see you do the butt, you scared" / Rare Essence's Do You Know What Time It Is / a familiar guitar riff from a cover - Derek threw a towel at JuJu (JuJu was by the right wall), JuJu laughed and threw it back James and Christina were there. 6) Sugar Bear-led R. Kelly's Snake / "Do if for the ladies" / "Hello" / "Get your freak on" - it cranked / "Is Sugar Bear the real deal?" 7) Sugar Bear-led (UCB's) Sexy Lady / I stood behind the timbales (in anticipation of going upstairs) so it was heard to hear what Sugar Bear was saying / Da Butt EU's performances were interesting, the contrast between the Junie led songs and Sugar Bear medleys. When I got upstairs, Familiar Faces hadn't started yet. The DJ was playing a James Brown song. Doc called me over and asked me to take some pictures with his digital Olympus. Familiar Faces Third Set  Dwayne, Sean, Doc with Jacques, Nephew, and Donnell in the background
 Doc, Sean, Donnell Michon is taking pictures on the far right  Sean with a Superman tie
1) Halima-led Cheri Dennis' I Love You - Halima held her mic to fans Shameika and Gene were there. 2) Sean-led Busta Rhyme's I Love My Chick featuring Kelis - it cranked, Donnell shouted, "Wait a minute", Halima said, "Hey", Sean sang something 3) Alternating Halima-led Christina Milian's Say I featuring Young Jeezy / Aaliyah's I Need You Tonight (tease) - Donnell said, "Killazoo" / Donnell-led "Brandywine, friends of mine" chant / Donnell-led "Hands Free, they're f*cking with me" --> 4) Donnell & Sean-led "On the small of her back, she got a Tattoo" / Donnell did announcements / Sean-led "I need to be your man" / Percussion solo - Donnell said, "Eya eya", Donnell said, "Sweetchelle my belle" 5) Halima-led Beyonce's Deja Vu - Godfather played the flugelhorn, Smoke played timbales  Godfather, DP, and Donnell playing during a horn hit in Deja Vu I talked with Tanya and Ashante (pictured below).  All pictures taken by Jordan Rich and Copyright - Kenny "Doc" Hughes A woman asked me not to move so she could lean on me while she took off her shoes. Nikiya was there. Bryan Mills came up to me. He said, "Are you on TMOTT?" I said yes. He said, "I'm Blazin." I said, "I know who you are." Lisa was sitting by the stage, laughing with a friend of hers about me being a GoGo fan. Mama Chelle, Jessica, and March were there. Gary asked me if I wanted to go up front. He cleared the way for me to go a few feet from the stage. The timing of the start of the Familiar Faces and EU sets was very precise: Familiar Faces first set started at 9:30, and every succeeding set by both started 45 minutes later. Chuck did take some more time setting up. Chuck Brown & the Soul Searchers (downstairs) The line up was: Chuck Brown (lead vocals & guitar), Sweet Cherie (vocals & keyboard), the second keyboard from EU's performance, Bryan Mills (saxophone & keyboard), Brad Clements (trumpet), Mark (trombone & keyboard player), Doug Crowley (bass player), William "JuJu" House (drums), I didn't recognize the conga player. Kay Kay later rapped with a female backup vocalist, and Little Benny later joined in on vocals and trumpet. Chuck talked about playing in the Panorama Room, the Black Hole, etc. He also did a birthday dedication to Vicky. 1) Instrumental - the crowd shouted, "Wind me up, Chuck!" / Chuck-led "When you walk in the door" - the crowd shouted, "Hello, hello" / "What do you feel like doing?" - the crowd responded, "Feel like moving that body" / "Hey ay, Ho oh" / Chuck talked about back in the Panorama Room 2) Earl Hagen's Harlem Nocturne - the horn players played a number of solos, and there was a keyboard solo - it cranked / conga solo Chuck said to a guy, "Don't stand in front of the ladies. I'll dedicate the next song to you." 3) Alternating Chuck-led Barry White's Playing Your Game, Baby / Sho Ya Right - Mark put a dollar on Brad's shirt, Mark played a trombone solo, various horn trios 4) Chuck-led Hoochie Coochie Man - it cranked, Bryan played Hail to the Redskins as a Sax solo --> 5) Chuck-led "Y'all tired yet?" - the crowd shouted, "Hell no!" / Rare Essence's La Di Da Di - the crowd recited lines "it's all because of you", Chuck held his mic to the crowd / Bryan held his middle finger to Mark's PDA, Mark was taking pictures, Kay Kay came onstage - I noticed she had a jeweled grill, why does such a beautiful girl have to do that?, she also had a choker with a chain hanging from it Chuck said, "Are you ready for Kay Kay?" 6) Kay Kay rapped "I've been careful too long... I said smile for me daddy... break me off a piece of that, just a little piece of that... Hey Brandywine... Hey it's Kay Kay" (I believe I remember her performing PFunk's Other Side (Get the F*ck Out)) - another woman played tambourine and was on backup vocals, Chuck said, "Hey Kay Kay, you ain't finished yet", Natalie's sister-in-law went onstage and talked to Chuck Chuck said, "Happy birthday Vicky" Chuck said, "We got Sweet Cherie in the house". The crowd responded, "Wind me up, Chuck!" 7) Sweet Cherie-led "Let me see your grill" to Kay Kay / "Where y'all from?" / Luther Vandross' Take You Out - Bryan and Mark played Cherie's keyboards, Kay Kay was on backup vocals / Beyonce's Check on It - Little Benny was on backup vocals --> 8) Little Benny-led "Feel alright?" / "Hey ay, Ho oh" / "Everybody in the house" / "Hold up" - the crowd responded, "Wait a minute!", the frontline danced / Cat in the Hat / Alternating Young Joc's It's Going Down - Benny held his mic to the fans, he stood on the edge of the stage / "Everybody in the house move this way" - the frontline danced, Benny said, "One more time, this way" / "Everybody show your" / Dem Franchize Boyz' Lean With It Rock With It (tease) - the frontline danced / Rare Essence's Lock It - the crowd recited lines, Benny held his mic to fans / Freak a Deak All Night Long - the house lights came on / Rare Essence's One on One (tease) - Benny played his trumpet / Benny & Chuck-led Rare Essence's "Going to Hollywood" - both held their mics to the fans --> 9) Chuck-led Duke Ellington's It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That GoGo Swing) / Horn duo then trio The ceiling was leaking, since it wasn't raining, it must have been from air conditioning Chuck said, "Y'all got it in here. I went over and said hello to Bobby Smoot. Bryan called me over and gave me a flyer for Soul Sponge. Outside there were a whole lot of people standing around. I introduced myself to Lashan, whom I have seen at many shows. Darrell said, "Now he'll put you on the internet." She replied, "Only write good things." A guy talked to me briefly as I walked to my car, he was upset that his friend was busy talking with women while he had to pee. He said he didn't want to be disrespectful and go in the bushes.
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 3 October 2006 7:45 PM EDT
Sunday, 3 September 2006
Ebo and Omarr's Birthday Celebration at Tradewinds
Tradewinds Night Club, 5859 Allentown Way, Camp Springs, MD 20748 As I walked from my car, Ebo called out, "Hey Jordan!" She and Angie were in her SUV right by my car. Ebo said, "You know it's my birthday at midnight?" I said, "Yes." Tina, Mama Chelle, March, Sharon, her friend Chris, Ray, Fat Cat, Peanut, Chanel, LA, Tracy S., Arielle, Delano, Junior, Los, and Kiki were there.
 Ebo and Angie Familiar Faces First Set Familiar Faces started so early that not all of the band members had set up yet. Sean, Dwayne, and Halima were late. 1) Alternating Donnell made up a song about Nicole the bartender, "Nicole the bartender, she makes the drinks you won't remember, have you all slipping all over the floor, still have you asking for more" - Donnell said, "It's Omarr's birthday" / 50 Cent's In Da Club (tease) / Donnell said, "Glad you came by Kal-el, Godfather, Dwayne, Charlie (Charlie was on time)", Sean added lines to "Nicole the bartender", Donnell said of Halima, "Look who finally got here y'all", Halima stood on a speaker in the back Renee was there. 2) Halima-led Cheri Dennis' I Love You - Donnell said, "Hey Chris, slow down baby", it cranked, DP and Halima held their mics to fans, Halima sang on the dance floor 3) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh" 4) Donnell-led "Do it for the ladies/fellas, Oh my God!" 5) Sean-led Ne-Yo's When You're Mad - Chevy of Fatal Attraction came and hugged Sean and sang briefly Tata and Pinky (dyed hair) were there. 6) Donnell-led 50 Cent's In Da Club (tease) 7) Donnell-led Familiar Faces rap 8) Donnell-led "Party, party, everybody" / Percussion solo - Charlie played the cowbell, it cranked / Sean-led Ne-Yo's So Sick - Sean held his mic to fans, Donnell said, "Sweet Nicole the bartender", Donnell chanted, "Eya eya", Donnell said, "D-O-C" 9) Alternating Donnell-led "___ Is yes!" / "You make me want to see just how freaky you can be" / "Keep it low, nobody got to know" Tamiko was there. 10) Donnell-led 911 - fans recited the lyrics, Packy was on backup vocals, the frontline danced side to side, Donnell said, "This is how we started out y'all and this is how we're going to end it" - it cranked, Los danced onstage 11) Sean-led Brian McKnight's Anytime Duane Face, Sanisse, Mary, Mona, Ebony, Nikki, DeeDee, Shawn, Mike Smith, Peg Leg, Sweetchelle, and Yolanda were here. 12) Halima-led Chingy's Pulling Me Back featuring Tyrese Monique (with a new hairdo) was there.
 Bam, Jazzy Layse, Stomp, Chevy
Omarr's cake was half yellow filling, half chocolate filling.  Telando, Nikki, Charlie, Stomp, and Omarr
Archie, Ian, Slick Rick, RE Angie, Angie W., and Mia (who briefly made a point of dancing in front of me) were there.
 Delano795 (or Southern-Roots1) and Junior
Second Set 1) Alternating Donnell & Sean-led "On the small of her back, she got a tattoo" - it cranked, Donnell did special dedications to Omarr and Ebo / Percussion solo - Charlie played the cowbell, it cranked --> Jan, Keisha, and Shadonna were there. 2) Sean-led Busta Rhyme's I Love My Chick featuring Kelis / Percussion solo - it cranked, --> 3) Donnell-led Rare Essence's Marinda (tease) 4) Alternating Halima-led Christina Milian's Say I featuring Young Jeezy - it cranked, Donnell said, "Killazoo" / Aaliyah's I Need You Tonight (tease) / Donnell-led "Brandywine, friends of mine" chant, Donnell said, "Represent, Brandywine" 5) Donnell-led Trina Was Great - it cranked, Charlie played timbales, Packy played the cowbell --> 6) Donnell & Sean-led "Reggae, wind it, wind it go down" / Percussion solo - Donnell said, "Don't do nothing fellas, let's watch the ladies freak. Let's watch the ladies, fellas. Hey DJ, lights up.", Donnell said, "Oh good gracias, like that one" / Tata danced on the stage floor / "But is it like that, is it really like that" / Shawnna's Getting Some (tease) - Halima stood on an amp 7) Halima-led Beyonce's Deja Vu - Godfather played the flugelhorn, the house lights came on, Smoke played the timbales Shameika was there. 8) Sean-led Trey Songz' Gotta Go - TT sat in on congas, John told Donnell to stop, but he continued:  Front: Donnell, DP, Tony TT played the congas, with Charlie and Packy behind him All pictures taken by and Copyright - Jordan Rich 9) Donnell-led Public Enemy's Welcome to the Terrordome (tease) - the crowd sang along, RE Angie briefly sat in on congas, but John turned off the PA. I talked with Jazzy Layse briefly. I told Chevy I had put her performances at Kato's birthday party up on the web. Additional photos from this evening are up at on Stomp's gallery.
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 11 May 2007 10:21 PM EDT
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