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Summer 2004 and Beyond: Going to the GoGo
Thursday, 22 July 2004
Wednesday at Takoma Station
Takoma Station, 6914 4th St NW, Washington, DC 20012

I arrived early so that I could talk with the band members, as Donnell said it was okay to conduct my group interview of them at rehearsal on July 27th, but that I should confer with each of the band members. I told BJ about the conversations online about why he doesn't sing in performances.

Nephew asked me, "Why did you have to tell everyone (via this blog) that I was sleeping? I was very tired from running." I asked Nephew how the studio sessions on Monday went. He said that they went okay, but that Mike and Adia still need to come back in again to finish it - Mike is more experienced, he's been recording for twenty years and Adia has only for two. Nephew said he didn't know if the mix of last week's live recording was done.

Adia said she was tired, she went up to the stage and later passed by, noticeably walking funny, she looked at me and said, "I was in the gym today" (as if I would think otherwise? or even if it was my business?).

Familiar Faces
They started a little late. Before they did, a young guitarist played with Dwayne's guitar a little. The line up for the first set was: Mike, Adia, Donnell, DP, Dwayne, Doc, Godfather, BJ (on a Yamaha SY-85 keyboard, see here for details), Pooh, Bojack, and Charlie. For the second song, they had a guest rapper named "CBR"? from Memphis by way of Atlanta. At the end of the third song, it was cut off and Donnell said, "that was BJ (meaning the ending of the song), I would have let them sing forever." BJ got up and said, "Bullsh*t!" For the third song, Pooh, Bojack and Charlie had a furious jam. Mike said, "I don't what that was, but I like it..." (Me too). At the end of the first set, Donnell said, "I know my baby Michelle Blackwell didn't come in and disrespect me by not saying hello to me." Of course she did after that.

At the break, I told Adia, "your boyfriend's not here." She said, "who's my boyfriend." I said, "The Lieutenant." She said, "I'm glad, but don't mention his name because you know he'll show up if you do." Sure enough, ten minutes later, he walked in. Later I walked over to her and she said, "I told you!"

I talked with Donnell and asked him if the live mix was done, he said, "No, it will be done tomorrow."

Pooh was the only one who said he won't be at the rehearsal, but said I could interview him before tomorrow's show.

As good as the first set was, the second set, as usual, was better. Donnell did announcements and he turned around and told Godfather, "I don't need music playing while I talk." He said, "He comes from the church, having music behind the preacher." Some of the women sure danced hard - one girl danced in a crouch with her butt just off the ground, then with her knees fully bent and her back on the ground. Donnell was concerned and helped her up. Smoke of Nu Styles Band (formerly of Northeast Groovers) sat in a for a while on congas. A guy named "Whitie" guest rapped for a song and later Michelle Blackwell sang Happy Birthday. Boolah came in and talked with Donnell (later Donnell said (when Mike asked him) that this was Boolah's exit interview) and sat in the audience - I talked with him about interviewing him before he left. For their last song they started to perform an old Rare Essence song - I didn't catch which one, but they cut it off. People in the audience kept urging them to resume. Donnell said of Pooh, "He's too young to remember that song. He's only fifteen, he was in pampers when that came out, he's only twelve." At the end, Donnell said, "You have to leave, we're responsible, release the dogs, lock the doors." I went over and said hello to Smoke. This was a very crankin' performance, especially with the full percussion playing.

Posted by funkmasterj at 2:16 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 26 December 2005 8:22 PM EST

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