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Summer 2004 and Beyond: Going to the GoGo
Sunday, 16 October 2005
Saturday at the Tradewinds
Tradewinds Night Club, 5859 Allentown Way, Camp Springs, MD 20748

I asked Lorenzo about playing in the Millions More Movement. He said he had played all day. I joked that he only played one note, that he had one of those birds with the liquid that just go down.

Shante, Stacey, Tiffany, Arielle and Tracy were there.

Halima wore a formal black dress with a gold jacket.

Familiar Faces
First Set
1) Donnell-led It Is What It Is - sound check
Shawn, James, and Los were there.
Donnell said "Tomorrow, 2519 Pennsylvania Avenue. If you got somebody, get them down here so we can get..."
Donnell shouted, "Yeah!"
2) Halima-led Faith Evans' Again - Halima moved around and used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures, Donnell said, "That's what we're talking about y'all", Donnell said, "Uh uh, let's go, come on with it y'all, come on with it Smoke", Donnell bounced, there was a nice crank, Donnell said, "Wait a minute y'all", they played a sound from the keyboard or drum machine, Halima went onstage, a guy asked me if I worked the PA, Donnell said, "Someone tell me how old Shay (spelling?) is, she won't tell me".
Tijuana, Shameika, and 6'9 were there.
Donnell said, "A new PA is coming out"
3) Long instrumental transition - Halima danced and smiled, she went back on the floor / Mike-led Bobby Valentino's Slow Down - Jennifer went and told Donnell how old Shay was, Donnell said, "I know how old she is now", Mike used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures, Donnell said, "Right there, Mike", Donnell shouted, "Yeah" repeatedly, Halima used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures
Archie Paige was there.
Donnell said, "We're going to warm it up"
4) Donnell-led "__ Is in the house"
5) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh" - the crowd responded, Halima used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures
6) Donnell-led "Do it for the ladies/fellas, Oh my God!" - Halima and Mike posed at the appropriate times, Halima sang, "Oh my God!", Halima went onstage
7) Halima-led Faith Evans' Mesmerized - Donnell shouted, "Wait a minute", Halima moved around and used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures, Mike and Donnell bounced, Halima really go into it with her singing, Halima went on the floor, Halima bounced
The two light skinned girls from Wednesday, Tiffany G. and Lima, were there.
8) They started performing the music to Alicia Keys' Unbreakable (or Eddie Kendricks' Intimate Friends) - Donnell went onstage and then back on the floor, Donnell said, "I think it's a little warm tonight" / Halima-led Alicia Keys' Unbreakable - Donnell said, "Come on with it baby", Donnell went onstage and used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures, Halima used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures and moved around, Donnell said, "Sing it ladies" and they did
Val "Tina Turner" was there.
9) Mike-led Prince's Take Me With You - Donnell went onstage and threw a towel at Stomp, Halima smiled, Halima sang backup, Donnell called out names, Donnell said, "By yourself ladies", Donnell went on the floor and held his mic to the crowd, Halima sang, Donnell said, "One more time, by yourself ladies", there was a nice crank, Halima danced onstage
10) Donnell-led Hold the Note - Donnell started it with, "Hold the note, y'all", Donnell said, "Don't do that Kay Kay", Donnell said, "RE Angie is in the building", Donnell used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures, Halima used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures, Halima laughed, Donnell said, "Dwayne Lee, Hey Smoke" before their solos, Donnell danced, Donnell said of some girl, "I see you dancing, you can't hide from me girl", Mike said something I couldn't hear, / Sade's No Ordinary Love (tease) - Donnell said, "Now that I tell you, now that I got ya"
Nita was there.
Halima went on the floor.
11) Alternating Halima-led Gwen Stefani's Hollaback Girl - Donnell said, "I hear you ladies", Donnell said, "Come on with it, Yeah!", Halima used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures, Halima sang "Baby, baby" three times, Halima smiled, Mike used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures, Donnell said, "Come on Halima", Mike used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures, Halima moved around / Donnell-led Rare Essence's Hook Me Upa - Donnell said, "That what we're talking about Trinidad, That's what we're talking about baby", Donnell said, "Come on with it Halima" and they went back to Hollaback Girl
Janetta, Tiffany F., and Shadonna were there.
12) Alternating Donnell-led It Is What It Is - "It is what it is, It's just a matter of time, 06 is mine, Now who's the best, I want the best to contest me", Donnell used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures, Halima went onstage, Kay Kay went on the floor and sang backup / Kay Kay rapped - her hair is still dyed red, but she wore different sunglasses, not her "diva glasses"
Donnell said, "Look at my baby, Kay Kay, wearing apple bottom jeans. I remember when she was a little round thing from the hood. Slow down, you stirred them up"
13) Mike-led Raheem DeVaughn's Ask Yourself - Mike used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures, Mike sang to Tiffany G., but Tiffany F. also responded, Donnell went onstage with his Sax Donnell said Sunday's show would be 7 - 10:30. "You can leave drink before you go to work, not you 6'9, no free drinks for you. Dallas fans can go back and put on their hats and jerseys for a week, Sorry n*ggers".

Doc talked about Lorenzo's red eyes. Lorenzo spent most of the break on his cell. DP talked about how BJ used to take calls while playing. He commented on how he couldn't have possibly been able to hear. I can understand that. I tried to listen to the MD game when I went to the Duke Ellington Jazz Festival, but gave up because I couldn't hear.

Packy talked about me sandwiching last night.

I asked Charlie if he could have taken Stomp. He said yes, he wouldn't enjoy giving him a beat down, but he would do it. He would take him to dinner afterwards.

Mike talked about Tiffany G. and her friend Lima.

Second Set
Donnell said to a woman, "I should have played that in the first half, but you weren't here".
Donnell said of the female Cranberries owner who was in attendance, "Cranberries owner made me buy her a drink, I come to Cranberries and pay full price and they kicked us out".
DP said to a woman, "He ain't going to play that."
1) Donnell acapella Rare Essence's What Would You Do for the Money? - Donnell said, "She gave me fifty dollars to sing it", Mike called him a man ho, Donnell said, "Give me another fifty dollars and I'll sing another song. I'll do anything for fifty dollars, right?" Mike said he was a cheap man ho.
2) Mike-led Bobby Valentino's Tell Me - Halima went onstage then returned to the floor, Donnell said, "Come on with it, Michael Muse", Mike used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures, Donnell went onstage, Halima danced, James sang backup on Doc's mic (just this song), Halima smiled, I danced with the girl (I later discovered her name is Mia, she's a bartender at Cranberries) I had meant to dance with a few weeks ago, the owner of Cranberries, who knows her, had me tap her butt first, the girl obviously didn't want to dance with me, nor did her three friends (all young), Mike said, "Get down Jordan" as a I danced with her
Mama Chelle was there.
3) Donnell & Halima-led Lil Kim's Lighters Up - Halima rapped, Donnell called out names, Donnell said, "Come on Halima", Donnell said, "Where you at Kay Kay?", Kay Kay rapped with Donnell's mic onstage (She just sat in this song this set), Donnell said, "Give me the woo"
JoJo was there.
4) Alternating Donnell-led Trillville's Some Cut - Stomp played the dialtone while the frontline did the bowing dance / Notorious BIG's Warning / Keith Murray's Call My Name (tease) / "Wait a minute" echoes - Donnell used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures, JoJo danced behind Doc like last week, Halima went onstage, Tiffany F. went to grab my notes, I hugged her and got them back then danced with her
5) Halima-led Mariah Carey's It's Like That - Halima's singing was energetic, Halima moved around and used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures, Donnell said, "Let's go Mama Chelle", Donnell said, "That's what I'm talking about Halima". Donnell shouted, "Yeah", Mike said, "What you say, baby?", Donnell said, "Slow down baby, this ain't what we do", there was a nice crank
6) Donnell-led "Tired yet, ready to quit?" - Donnell went onstage
7) Donnell-led Trina Was Great - Donnell used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures, Stomp played the drum machine, Donnell chanted, "Oh yeah!"
8) Donnell-led Donna Summer's Love to Love You, Baby (tease) - Donnell used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures, Donnell said, "Fun withya, done withya", Donnell said, "Look out we got to get on up out of here"
9) Donnell-led It Is What It Is - "It is what it is, I'm on my way baby" - Donnell said, "This is the cool out song"
10) Mike-led Michael Jackson's I Can't Help It - Donnell said, "Looking good, Cousin Archie.", Donnell said, "Listen up, we're going to have this put on the streets.", I noticed a guy sitting on the right speaker, Halima smiled, there was nice percussion / Rare Essence's Body Snatchers (instrumental tease)
Donnell said, "We're going to put this on the streets. Cheese and scrambled eggs, a lot jam in that jelly."
The four young girls, particularly Mia, talked with Omar. Mia wore a white tank top with a picture of Bob Marley on the front.
Tiffany F. again tried to steal my notes, but I just hugged her. She tried to get behind Archie.
I asked Janetta when she was going to dance with me, she said next week.
When I hugged Tiffany F., Donnell said, "You're making me jealous, that's my baby Mama"
Donnell said, "It's just a matter of time".

This performance was released as a Live PA on November 18th.

CD 1 55:13
1) Halima-led Faith Evans' Again / percussion solo 8:30
2) Long instrumental transition / Mike-led Bobby Valentino's Slow Down / Donnell-led "__ Is in the house" / Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh" / Donnell-led "Do it for the ladies/fellas, Oh my God!" 8:37
3) Halima-led Faith Evans' Mesmerized 6:33
4) Halima-led Alicia Keys' Unbreakable 3:38
5) Mike-led Prince's Take Me With You / Donnell-led Hold the Note / Donnell-led Sade's No Ordinary Love (tease) 7:56
6) Alternating Halima-led Gwen Stefani's Hollaback Girl / Donnell-led Rare Essence's Hook Me Upa 5:31
7) Alternating Donnell-led It Is What It Is / Kay Kay rapped 4:11
8) Mike-led Raheem DeVaughn's Ask Yourself 10:15

CD 2 44:45
1) Mike-led Bobby Valentino's Tell Me 10:34
2) Donnell & Halima-led Lil Kim's Lighters Up - Kay Kay sat in 6:33
3) Alternating Donnell-led Trillville's Some Cut / Notorious BIG's Warning / Keith Murray's Call My Name (tease) / "Wait a minute" echoes 8:23
4) Halima-led Mariah Carey's It's Like That / Donnell-led "Tired yet, ready to quit?" 6:04
5) Donnell-led Trina Was Great / Donnell-led Donna Summer's Love to Love You, Baby (tease) 5:33
6) Donnell-led It Is What It Is / Mike-led Michael Jackson's I Can't Help It / percussion solo / Rare Essence's Body Snatchers (instrumental tease) 7:36

Posted by funkmasterj at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 6 May 2006 6:13 PM EDT

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