Safari Steakhouse, 9430 Annapolis Road Lanham MD 20706
I had a big headache on Thursday, so I missed their performance at Cranberries. This was a convenient drive shortly off the beltway, although I had to stop for gas. I arrived plenty early, and got a table facing the middle of the bandstand. This was another event to celebrate Donnell's birthday.
Familiar Faces
Milton "Go-Go Mickey" Freeman sat in on congas for a stretch, and Donnell told a story of how Footz (Quentin Davidson, the late drummer for Rare Essence) brought Go-Go Mickey to Rare Essence from the now-defunct Ayre Rayde (in Donnell's words, "A bunch of Maryland dudes") to replace Jungle Boogie. Donnell had some more humorous talks; including chiding one of the guys for not coming to the Takoma Station performances because his woman wouldn't let him. He said his friend could borrow his book, called "How to handle it." This was another great performance, lasting until 2:45 AM. There were three sets, with a DJ playing music in between.
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 26 December 2005 8:56 PM EST