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Summer 2004 and Beyond: Going to the GoGo
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Wednesday at the PBMC's Night of Elegance
Positive Black Men Coalition's Night of Elegance, Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill, 400 New Jersey Ave NW Washington, DC 20001

Musiq Soulchild - in progress at 10:50 PM
The line up was: Taalib "Musiq Soulchild" Johnson, 3 female backup vocalists, one male backup vocalists.
They performed over a track.
X) Musiq-led So Beautiful
X+1) Musiq-led Just Friends - it had a light crank
Darrell and Ray were there.
X+2) Musiq-led Buddy - it had a light crank
Nikki was there.
X+3) Musiq-led ?
I liked it.

Tamara T. and RE Angie were there.

Michel Wright introduced Familiar Faces. She said, "I love D-Floyd so much; I asked him if he'd be mine, but he said he has a girl."

Familiar Faces - 11:47 PM
1) Alternating Scooby-led Phil Collins' In the Air Tonight - it started off at a light crank then rose to a full crank, Donnell chanted, "Wait a minute!" / Percussion solo - Donnell chanted, "Eya eya"
James Lawson was onstage.
2) Damila-led Jill Scott's Whenever You're Around - it cranked, Bojack played the cowbell, Donnell chanted, "Wait a minute"
3) Quese-led Stevie Wonder's Knocks Me off my Feet - it had a light crank
4) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh" - it cranked
5) Quese-led "Can we do it for the ladies/fellas, Oh my God!"
6) Donnell-led Familiar Faces Is for the Grown & Sexy
7) Alternating Damila-led Jazmine Sullivan's Bust Your Windows - it cranked / Scooby-led "Male version"
8) Scooby-led Sunshine - it had a light crank and then rose to a full crank, they held their mics to the crowd, the crowd said, "Oh oh oh", Scooby chanted, "Eya eya" / "Ya party with me"
9) Damila-led Rihanna's Take a Bow - it cranked, Scooby played guitar
Tracy (Shameika's friend) was there.
10) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Hey ay" -->
11) Donnell-led 50 Cent's In Da Club (tease)
12) Donnell-led "Party party, everybody" - it cranked / Scooby-led The Dream's I Luv Your Girl / "___ Is bad!", Scooby chanted, "Bojack" / Bojack tom solo
13) Damila-led Beyonce's Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It) - it cranked / Bojack tom solo
14) Donnell & Quese-led "Jump your body" - it cranked, Donnell chanted, "Wait a minute!"
15) Donnell & Scooby-led Rare Essence's Lock It- it cranked, the frontline strutted across the stage, Mike danced
There was a girl I know, but I can't remember her name.
16) Donnell, Scooby & Quese-led Do You Think About Me? - it had a light crank / Donnell-led Rick James' Mary Jane (Nikki's Thang) (tease) / Donna Summer's Love to Love You, Baby (tease)
Donnell asked for a moment of silence for Anthony "Wysocki" Pryor, who was murdered a couple of days before.
He then asked for a round of applause for Wysocki.
They were done at 1 AM. I enjoyed it.
Ebo, Monique G., Isha, and Byrd were there.

Even though Chuck Brown was performing, I left before his performance.

Posted by funkmasterj at 12:01 AM EST

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