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Summer 2004 and Beyond: Going to the GoGo
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Saturday at Tradewinds
Tradewinds Night Club, 5859 Allentown Way, Camp Springs, MD 20748

I could not take a pen in and I zoned out a lot tonight, so particularly in the second set, I may have missed some things.

Nakia, Julia & her sister (celebrating her birthday) & her cousin, Nita (celebrating her birthday), Tina, Paulette, Lisa of the World, Keysha, SaVern, Risa (spelling?), Shawn, Shantel, Tracy (Shameika's friend), Tracey G. and her Cousin C, Felecia (celebrating her birthday) & her sister Keishi (spelling?), and Robin were there.

Familiar Faces
Mike was not present.
First set
The last song Dollar Bill played before Donnell said, "We got it," was Jazmine Sullivan's Bust Your Windows.
Donnell said, "We have a male version of that song".
1) Donnell-led "I'll put my foot in your ass, if you bust my glass" (tease) - Donnell said, "That's all I know, Scooby knows the rest."
Donnell said, "I'm feeling good, Jordan you can write this down."
2) Scooby-led T-Pain's Can't Believe It - it had a light crank
3) Damila-led Jazmine Sullivan's Bust Your Windows - it had a light crank
4) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh"
5) Quese & Damila-led "Can we do it for the ladies/fellas, Oh my God" / Donnell-led "Tell me it's real, Oh my God!" / Doug E. Fresh's All the Way to Heaven (tease)
6) Donnell & Quese-led We Don't Need These Phones - it cranked, a girl behind me sang along loudly
I may have missed a song 'cause I zoned out.
7) Donnell-led Rare Essence's What N*gga What? - it cranked -->
8) Alternating Donnell-led Rare Essence's All Da Time - it cranked, Bojack played toms, my name was mentioned / "Southeast, South, Southeast" chant - Bojack played in rhythm with the chant / Rare Essence's Uh Oh (Heads Up) (lyrics only) / Percussion solo / Maino's Hi Hater (tease)
9) Donnell, Scooby & Quese-led Do You Think About Me? - it had a light crank, I missed it if they added more teases like usual

Buggy of Backyard Band, Slick Rick, El, Renee, Shadonna (celebrating her birthday), Pinkie, Tasty, Crystal (Tricia's friend), Donnell Jr., and Tasha (RTC) were there.

I danced with Julia during the break.

Usher's Bad Girl was the last song Dollar Bill played before the second set.

Second set
1) Donnell-led Usher's Bad Girl - they audience sang it (more than Donnell), it had a light crank
2) Scooby-led Phil Collins' In the Air Tonight - it started off at light crank and then when to a full crank -->
3) Scooby-led "___ Is in the building"
4) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Hey ay"
5) Donnell-led 50 Cent's In Da Club (tease)
6) Damila-led Rihanna's Take a Bow - it had a light crank
7) Scooby-led The Dream's I Luv Your Girl - it had a light crank / "__ Is bad"
8) Scooby-led "Uh oh uh uh oh" - it cranked, Scooby said, "Stick out your butt and shake what you got", Donnell chanted, "Up up and down down", Scooby chanted, "How low low can you go go"
9) Donnell-led Lisa (Miss Keta) Will You Dance for Me - it cranked
10) Donnell & Scooby-led "Jump your body" - it cranked
11) Donnell-led "25, 25, 25" / Rare Essence's Work the Walls - it cranked / Bojack tom solo / Rare Essence's Hook Me Uppa
12) Donnell-led Public Enemy's Welcome to the Terrordome (tease) - it cranked / Smoke conga solo / "I gave my whole life"

Posted by funkmasterj at 12:01 AM EDT

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