Blu Lounge, 6821 Reed St, Bethesda, MD 20814

There were three GoGos in Bethesda tonight! This one, L!ssen at Juste Lounge and Chuck Brown at Strathmore Hall.
Obsession Band - 11:11 PM
The line up was: D (lead talker), Devin (rapper), Mike Gross (vocalist), Cornbread (vocalist), Renee "Songstress" (vocalist), Frank James (bass), Oba "O" (keyboard), Donnie Brasco (keyboard), Moe (trumpet), Dwayne "Dice" (trumpet), Everett "E" Brown (trombone), Danny "Animal" (drummer), Lorenzo Bates (congas), Telly "Redman" (percussion).

Mike, E, Renee, Redman, Lorenzo, Donnie Brasco, Devin, ?, O, D

Cornbread, Frank, E, Mike, Moe, Redman, Lorenzo, ?, Devin

Frank, E, Moe, Dice, Donnie Brasco, Animal

Donnie Brasco, Animal, O, Lorenzo, Redman
Yvette was there.
1) D & Renee-led Jay-Z featuring Mary J. Blige's Can't Knock the Hustle - it had a light crank
2) Renee-led Jazmine Sullivan's Need U Bad - it had a light crank
3) Alternating Devin & Female-led Estelle's American Boy - it cranked, the lead talker chanted, "Wait a minute!" / Percussion solo - "DC I can do it", the stage went dark
4) Mike & Renee-led Ryan Leslie's Addiction - it cranked / D-led ?
5) Mike-led "Roll with it, lay down with it" - it cranked / D-led Maino's Hi Hater
02 and Worm were there.
6) Alternating Renee-led Robin Thicke featuring Mary J. Blige's Magic - they played toms / Redman tom solo -->
7) D & Mike-led Get Started - the lead talker chanted, "We're on fiya", the lead talker said, "We consider our music, Grown & Cranking"
8) Devin-led Yung Joc's Stunnin' Is a Habit
They were done at 12:03 AM. This was my first time seeing them and I enjoyed it, they cranked.
Dollar Bill of Y2K, Torrie, and Tracey G. were there.
Familiar Faces
Mike was not present.

Scooby, Wendell, Sean, Jammin' Jeff, Damila, Packy, Smoke, DP
Donnell asked for a moment of silence for Mike Hughes (Rare Essence's soundman, who died in a car accident earlier in the week).
First set - 12:33 AM
1) Percussion solo - it cranked
2) Scooby-led T-Pain's Can't Believe It - it cranked
Lisa of the World was there.
3) Damila-led Jill Scott's When You're Around - it had a light crank
4) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh" - it cranked
5) Quese-led "Can we do it for the ladies/fellas, Oh my God!" - it cranked / Donnell-led Doug E. Fresh's All the Way to Heaven (tease) / Inspector Gadget guitar riffs
6) Scooby-led GoGo Is my Business - it cranked, Scooby chanted, "Hold it!" / Percussion solo
7) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Hey ay"
8) Donnell-led 50 Cent's In Da Club (tease) - it cranked
9) Donnell-led "Party party, everybody" - it cranked / Scooby-led "Uh oh uh uh oh" - it cranked, Scooby chanted, "Stick out your but and shake what you got", Scooby chanted, "How low low can you go go" / Scooby-led "I like the way you do that, girl"
10) Donnell-led Rare Essence's Marinda - it cranked, Bojack arrived just in time
11) Donnell-led "25, 25, 25" / Rare Essence's Work the Walls - it cranked, Donnell stood at the edge of the dance floor, Scuba Steve of Y2K sat in and rapped

Sean, Jammin' Jeff, Donnell, Scuba Steve, Packy, Smoke, Bojack, DP, Quese, Lorenzo

Smoke, Bojack, DP, Quese, Lorenzo, Godfather, Patrick, Scuba Steve
All pictures (except flyer) taken by and Copyright - Jordan Rich
12) Donnell, Damila, Scooby, and Quese-led Do You Think About Me? - it had a light cranked / Donnell-led Donna Summer's Love to Love You Baby / Scooby-led "DC girls they drive me crazy" / Donnell-led Rick James' Mary Jane (lyrics changed to Nikki's Thang) (tease) / Donnell-led "Do you listen to my heartbeat?" / Donnell-led Lisa Stanfield's All Around the World (tease) / Quese-led Luther Vandross' Never Too Much (tease) / Donnell-led "In & Out and Up & Down" / Donnell-led Can We Touch Tonight? (tease)
Shadonna, NeeNee, and Kia were there.
Second set
1) Donnell did a joking re-write of Jazmine Sullivan's Bust Your Windows "I threw her down the steps... You better not touch my f*cking car..." - that song (the original, not Donnell's version) reminded me highly of Billy Cosby's song, Luv Is).
2) Alternating Scooby-led Phil Collins' In the Air Tonight - it started as laid back and then when to light crank / Percussion solo - Donnell chanted, "Eya eya"
3) Damila-led Rihanna's Take a Bow - it cranked
4) Alternating Scooby-led Sunshine - it cranked, Quese held his mic to the crowd / Percussion solo - Scooby chanted, "Eya eya" / "Ya party with me" / Scooby chanted, "Brandywine got a birthday" / Scooby-led Hail to the Redskins - the house lights came on
5) Donnell & Quese-led "Jump your body" - it cranked / Bojack tom solo
6) Quese-led Stevie Wonder's Knocks Me off my Feet - it had a light crank
They were done at 2:36 AM. I enjoyed it.
Kia shouted something to me, but I couldn't make it out, so I had her write it down for me after the set, "Dorand B-day, October 17th"
Someone said of me outside, "The n*gga was taking notes!"
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 25 December 2008 9:28 PM EST