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Summer 2004 and Beyond: Going to the GoGo
Monday, 6 October 2008
Sunday at the Duke Ellington Jazz Festival
Third Annual Duke Ellington Jazz Festival, Sylvan Amphitheatre, National Mall, 15th St NW & Jefferson Dr SW, Washington, DC 20001

I saw the very end of the performance of AfroBlue, a jazz vocal acapella group at a little after 1 AM.

Taj Mahal - 1:33 PM
The line up was: Henry "Taj Mahal" Fredericks (guitar, keyboard, banjo), Bill Rich (bass), Kester Smith (drummer).

Bill, Taj Mahal, Kester
1) Instrumental - it had a light crank
2) Done Changed My Way of Living - it had a light crank
Taj Mahal said, "When you play the blues, you're not supposed to feel bad, you get the blues off of you."
3) Checking up on My Baby - it had a light crank
4) Annie Mae - it had a light crank
5) "I can get crazy, If you love me baby, be your lover man" - Taj Mahal played the keyboard, it had a light crank

Taj Mahal talked about Duke Ellington and his output.
6) Baby You're My Destiny - Taj Mahal was back on guitar, it was laid back
7) Zanzibar - it had a light crank
Taj Mahal talked about "Sea Breeze" his brother second down.
8) Good Morning Miss Brown - it had a light crank
9) Fishing Blues "catch more than you" - it had a light crank
10) Queen Bee - it had a light crank
Taj Mahal took out a banjo and said, "Bourgeois don't be leaving now. What's he going to be doing with that?"

All pictures above taken by and Copyright - Jordan Rich
11) Dueling Banjos (tease) as a joke / 'Merican / "Riverdance" - it had a light crank, the audience clapped along
12) Slow Drag - it had a light crank
The set was done at 2:36. I enjoyed it.

I had planned to see Christian McBride, Conrad Herwig, and McCoy Tyner as well, but it was so hot I went home. Had I known how bad it was going to be, I would have gone to see Rare Essence instead.

Posted by funkmasterj at 12:01 AM EDT

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