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Summer 2004 and Beyond: Going to the GoGo
Sunday, 22 July 2007
Darrell's Pool Party 2007
Darrell's house, Beltsville, MD

Darrell, Nakia, Johnny & Darlene, Tiny, Richard, Mimi, Shameika, Tracy, Chanel, Maketta, Nephew, Halima, Sean "Kal-el", Deenah, Los, and Howard were there.

I met Lolita, Tina (who is Skaci's cousin), Tasha, Mimi, Tricia, Angie, and Quentin. There were a whole lot of people I don't know there...

I talked with Rachelle. I talked about Suttle, whom I missed seeing on July 3rd. I said I first met Chi Ali when he performed with Elevation Band at Reggie's in July 2004. I told her that the band members were depressed because their lead talker, "Chief Rocka" had just been killed. She talked about Footz' death. She was on the boat ride that evening, they held up the boat for 20 minutes waiting for Footz, then they had to go. It wasn't until later that they discovered he had missed the boat ride because he was murdered.

What do you mean you made this, Darrell?

Mimi (spelling?)

Rachelle, Nephew, Howard
All pictures above taken by and Copyright - Darrell Foster

All pictures below taken by and Copyright - Jordan Rich


Nakia, Tricia, Angie

Los and Nakia

Tracy and Shameika

Darrell set up a TV so they could watch the fight.

Darrell wanted me to thank everyone who came out. A big thank you to Nakia who was the highlight of the party.

I left as they started watching the fight and then went to Tradewinds.

Posted by funkmasterj at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 16 August 2007 7:10 PM EDT

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