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Summer 2004 and Beyond: Going to the GoGo
Sunday, 27 May 2007
Saturday at Tradewinds
Tradewinds Night Club, 5859 Allentown Way, Camp Springs, MD 20748

Sanisse, Mary, Ebo, Natalie, Tanya, Skaci, Val "Tina Turner", Shawn, and Nia were there.

Familiar Faces
Donnell talked about the violence at the CFE Events Center and the Classics. He said we are so closing to losing this.
They had technical difficulties which delayed the start, there was static in the PA.
First set
1) Sean-led Dave Hollister's One Woman Man - it cranked, Donnell chanted, "Wait a minute, Smoke!" / Percussion solo -->
Nakia, Lachelle, Weenie, and Ebony were there.
2) Halima-led Sade's No Ordinary Love - it cranked / Smoke played a nice conga solo
Tracy Smoot and Nikia were there.
3) Donnell-led "___ Is in the house"
Keisha and Jan were there.
4) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh"
Kay was there.
5) Halima-led Kelly Rowland's Like This featuring Eve - it cranked
Shaunte (Stacey's Cousin) was there.
6) Alternating Donnell-led "Party, party everybody" - it cranked / Percussion solo - Donnell chanted, "Eya eya", Donnell said, "We can rock like this" / Sean-led Ne-Yo's So Sick
7) Halima-led Shareefa's Cry No More - it cranked / Percussion solo
8) Donnell & Sean-led Do You Think About Me? - it had a light crank, Sanisse whooped, it was long with more lyrics than usual
Kim (don't know) was there.
Donnell said, "Brand new"
9) Sean-led Take 5's To Make You Love Me
10) Halima-led Tamia's Can't Get Enough - ladies in the audience sang the lyrics

Mona, Tony, Ray, Boo, Quay (Shorty Q), Angie, and China were there.

Second set
1) Sean-led Omarion's Entourage - it cranked
2) Alternating Sean-led Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back - it cranked (I still hate it) / Donnell-led Gangsta -->
3) Alternating Halima-led Beyonce's Ring the Alarm - it cranked / DJ Unk's Walk It Out (tease)
Shameika was there.
4) Donnell-led 50 Cent's In Da Club (tease) - it cranked
5) Sean-led T-Pain Featuring Yung Joc's Buy U a Drank (Shawty Snappin') - it cranked / Percussion solo
6) Donnell & Sean-led Tattoo - it cranked / Percussion solo
7) Donnell-led Hey Halima (Miss Keta) Do You Dance for Me - it cranked, -->
8) Halima-led Mis-Teeq's Style - it cranked, Packy played the cowbell, Jacques played timbales, it was interrupted by a fight, Donnell gave a speech "If you bring your girlfriend out and guy does something, let her handle it. If she doesn't handle it, she isn't your girl."
9) Donnell-led Public Enemy's Welcome to the Terrordome - it cranked / Conga solo - Donnell said, "Wave to 'em, Smoke"
10) Alternating Donnell-led "___ Is Yes!" / "You make me want to see, just how freaky you can be" - the house lights came on / "Keep it low, nobody got to know" / Percussion solo - Donnell sang, "You never heard a pocket like this I swear, We ain't going nowhere", it cranked
Slick Rick was there.
Donnell did announcements.
11) Donnell-led "Reggae" - it cranked / Halima sang something / Sean-led Damien Marley's Beautiful

Posted by funkmasterj at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 8 August 2007 2:59 PM EDT

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