Tradewinds Night Club, 5859 Allentown Way, Camp Springs, MD 20748
Familiar Faces was back at Tradewinds after a week off because Prince George's County Executive Jack Johnson had shut down Tradewinds and eight other clubs, ostensibly because they were threats to safety. Here is a link to the new law that allowed him to do this. These closings were met with protest as not only were (and are) GoGo venues being unfairly targeted, but closing the venues will not eliminate violence - as Scottie Jay said, "It's like putting a band aid on a gunshot wound". Members of the GoGo Coalition met both by the CFE and at the Community of Hope A.M.E. Church, before marching on the Prince George's County Council. Here is the article on their protest, and their letter they attempted to deliver to Jack Johnson is posted below. The end result was the clubs were re-opened with tighter security measures put in place.
April 3, 2007
Honorable Jack B. Johnson, County Executive
Prince George’s County
County Administration Building
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Suite 5032
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772-3050
Honorable Thomas E. Dernoga, Chairperson
Prince George’s County Council
County Administration Building
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Suite 2027
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772-3050
Dear Public Servants:
Peaceoholics, Inc. and Go-Go Coalition, Inc are organizations with members who have directly been impacted by the County Executive’s decision to close nine (9) entertainment venues in Prince George’s County. Although the decision for such action was based on the concern for public safety, there was disregard for the economic impact on the numerous families affected beyond employees of the specific venues closed. While our organizations agree that something needs to be done to address the crime patterns and the recent crime wave in the County, we do not agree that closing entertainment venues appropriately addresses the root of the problem. And, even though most venues have been allowed to reopen for business, we view this as a long-term issue that should still be addressed immediately.
Though our members are not specifically targeted in any decision or action against entertainment venues, one cannot deny that they are stakeholders who are directly affected by any action thereof. As such, our members have decided to take a proactive stance in support of the venue owners to remain open and at the same time, support the County’s effort to curb violence in and nearby the venues. We have met and developed some specific plans of action that can be utilized in the overall effort to bring peace to the community.
While we have specific ideas to assist this effort of peace, we want to implement these strategies in concert with the County and venue owner-developed plans; and we want to work toward a security standard that is satisfactory to the County as well as venue owners. As local entertainers who many citizens come to see regularly, we have direct communication with these citizens and substantial influence that can lead to behavioral change for the good of our community. Also, the Peaceoholics have a history of bringing peace to situations involving some of the area’s most violent youth. As stakeholders in the future of our youth and in perpetuating a safe environment for entertainment and recreation, we would like to be included in the overall plan of action to curb violence in Prince George’s County. To that end, we are requesting a meeting with you in the immediate future, to discuss how we might work together for constructive change.
Please contact us so that we can share our specific ideas and overall plan of action.
Ronald Moten, COO
Maurice Shorter, Chair
Go-Go Coalition
Archie, Darrell, Mike Smith, NeeNee, Shawn, Nikia, Vicki, Skaci, Keshia, Danni, Mousie, Quay (Shorty Q), and Peg Leg were there.
Familiar Faces
They had their regular Saturday line up.
First set
1) Halima-led Tamia's Can't Get Enough - DP played the flugelhorn
2) Halima-led Cheri Dennis' I Love You - it cranked, Donnell said, "Don't do nothing to let them take the party away from us, I don't know what I was doing last Saturday, but I never want to do it again." / Percussion solo
3) Donnell-led 50 Cent's In Da Club (tease)
4) Sean-led Omarion's Entourage - it cranked / Percussion solo - Jacques played the blocks, Donnell chanted, "Eya eya" -->
Trea, Danette, and Renee were there.
5) Alternating Donnell & Halima-led Ludacris' Runaway Love featuring Mary J. Blige - it cranked / Donnell-led Nicole the Bartender (tease)
Trice and KiKi were there.
6) Donnell-led "Party, party everybody" - it cranked / Alternating Percussion solo - Donnell chanted, "Eya eya" / Sean-led Ne-Yo's So Sick
Dog was there.
7) Halima-led Shareefa's Cry No More - it cranked / Percussion solo
Jackie and Ria were there.
8) Halima-led Nelly Furtado's Say It Right
Slick Rick came over, he said, "You don't know who I am." I said, "Why aren't you drinking from a bottle of Moet?" He said, "You know who I am."
Janetta, Tiffany, Julia, Mia, and Kia were there.
Second set
1) Sean-led Musiq's Buddy (tease) / Percussion solo - the crowd shouted, "Wind me up, Smoke!"
2) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh"
3) Alternating Donnell & Sean-led Tattoo / Percussion solo - Donnell chanted, "Eya eya", it cranked / "Brandywine, friends of mine" chant
4) Sean-led Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back - it cranked (I still hate it) / Donnell-led "Gangsta" - with additional lyrics, Dog danced on the stage floor, Packy played the cowbell
5) Halima-led Mis-Teeq's Style / Percussion solo - it cranked
6) Donnell-led "Reggae" - it cranked / Halima sang something / Percussion solo / Sean-led Damien Marley's Beautiful / Dwayne played a guitar solo
Donnell said, "Time to get sexy, this is for the ladies."
7) Donnell-led "Do you think about me? Nobody else but you and me"
8) Halima-led Beyonce's Ring the Alarm - it cranked, the house lights came on
9) Sean-led R. Kelly's I'm a Flirt - it had a light crank