J's Sports Cafe, 12617 Laurel Bowie Rd (Route 197), Laurel, MD 20708

I went to this show planning to see at least Fatal Attraction, and then go to the Best Western. I noticed when I got to J's that I didn't have a pen (it had fallen out of my pocket at home). I was one of the first fans there. Sweet AKA and Sweettyra were there.
I said hello to Teago.
I talked with Supa Dan about Safari Steakhouse. He said that their entertainment license wasn't pulled, but they were getting push back on having Rare Essence. He said the county called Rare Essence "a menace to society". He said they wouldn't re-open until they had dealt with the situation.
Jazzy Layse was there.
I noticed Fatal Attractions keyboard players putting away their keyboards. I asked Kato, "You're not playing?" He said, "The drummer didn't make it".
One of the bartenders, whom I've never talked with, came over and said, "Not that I don't want you to be here, but why aren't you at the" Best Western? I told her I would be there later, I just find L!ssen Da Grew^p boring.
Duce7 of What? Band came by, he was disappointed Fatal wasn't playing; he had come early just to see them.
Publicity Band warmed up, the one vocalist was joning on Bobbie.
I talked with Bobbie, and we wished each other happy birthday. I then left - no slight on Publicity Band, but I wanted to be on time for Familiar Faces.
Simone (Stallion), Danielle (Wellfhed), and Tameka (Ms. Minnie Me) were in Danielle's car in the parking lot. I talked with them briefly, and then headed out.
I stopped at a 7-11 on my way to the Best Western to buy a pen.