Second Annual Duke Ellington Jazz Festival
Blues Alley, 1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW Washington, DC 20007
I met Dwayne Lee and his friends, relatives of Ricky Wellman (Vincent, Barry, and Manny) in line for the late show. I talked a lot with Vince Wellman and Dwayne. Vince had been at the Patrice Bowie Project show last week. Dwayne had worked with her early in her career. We talked about music a lot.
We sat at a table in the middle, 2nd from front.
Mike Stern Band
The line up was: Mike Stern (guitar), Richard Bona (vocals, bass), Bob Franceschini (Sax), and Dennis Chambers (drums).
Late Set - went from 10:45 to 12:15.
There was a lot of humor in the set as well as great solos. Mike identified 2 of the songs, Tumble Home and KT, from his new album, Who Let the Cats Out? Mike smiled a lot as he played. I also recognized some of the tunes as ones that Jaco Pastorius had performed. I really enjoyed the performance. At the end, Mike was selling his CDs. He joked, "If you buy 10 of them, you get one of these cymbals free."