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Summer 2004 and Beyond: Going to the GoGo
Wednesday, 4 October 2006
Non-GoGo: Mike Stern at Blues Alley
Second Annual Duke Ellington Jazz Festival
Blues Alley, 1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW Washington, DC 20007

I met Dwayne Lee and his friends, relatives of Ricky Wellman (Vincent, Barry, and Manny) in line for the late show. I talked a lot with Vince Wellman and Dwayne. Vince had been at the Patrice Bowie Project show last week. Dwayne had worked with her early in her career. We talked about music a lot.

We sat at a table in the middle, 2nd from front.

Mike Stern Band
The line up was: Mike Stern (guitar), Richard Bona (vocals, bass), Bob Franceschini (Sax), and Dennis Chambers (drums).
Late Set - went from 10:45 to 12:15.
There was a lot of humor in the set as well as great solos. Mike identified 2 of the songs, Tumble Home and KT, from his new album, Who Let the Cats Out? Mike smiled a lot as he played. I also recognized some of the tunes as ones that Jaco Pastorius had performed. I really enjoyed the performance. At the end, Mike was selling his CDs. He joked, "If you buy 10 of them, you get one of these cymbals free."

Posted by funkmasterj at 12:01 AM EDT

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