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Summer 2004 and Beyond: Going to the GoGo
Saturday, 30 September 2006
Friday at J's
J's Sports Cafe, 12617 Laurel Bowie Rd (Route 197), Laurel, MD 20708

Duane introduced me to Dave, who plays congas in the other band he performs in, for the Hip Hope Network.

Pooh, Shante (Songbird), June, Tony, Britney, and Sam (Black Heart) were there.

Jammin' Jeff & Da Band
They had a different other keyboard player - a white guy. Dave played congas with them.
There was a guy taking still pictures of Da Band and filming them as well.
1) Jay-led The JB's Doin' It to Death
2) Allison-led Rose Royce's Carwash
3) Allison-led A Taste of Honey's Boogie Oogie Oogie
4) Jay-led "She's my guiding light, at the top of my list, all my love"
5) Jay-led Marvin Gaye's Got to Give It Up
6) Jay-led White Cherry's Play That Funky Music, White Boy
Yolanda was there.
7) Alternating Allison-led Beyonce's Deja Vu / Jay-led Michael Jackson's I Can't Help It "little bit"
8) Allison-led "I'm quiting?"
Allison said they were taking a vocal break and having a guest artist: Smokey.
Smokey said, "For the old school"
9) Smokey-led Prince's Purple Rain
Smokey left the stage.
10) Allison-led Alcia Keys' Unbreakable - Allison said, "We're between 93 and 96.3"
11) Allison-led Jill Scott's Golden
12) Allison-led "I have... today... I wonder why"
13) Jay-led Gnarls Barkley's Crazy
Peg Leg was there.
14) 02 sat in and talked, it cranked, people started dancing
15) Allison-led Toni Braxton's Take This Ring
Val "Tina Turner" was there.

Shadonna, Lashonda, Tyrell, Ian, and Nikki were there.

Dig Dug, Los, Danielle (Wellfhed), Stallion, Trea, Michelle T., Boo, Ray, Tracy S., Alexis, April "JuJu", DJ Skeet, Delano, and Angie W. were there.

Familiar Faces
Sound Check
Donnell acapella "The greatest story never told"

Jazzy Layse and Chevy of Fatal Attraction were there.

First Set
1) False start, then Donnell said, "Give me a pocket" / Percussion solo - a guy dressed like in the 70s danced onstage, Halima said something I couldn't make out / Donnell & Sean-led Luther Vandross' Promise Me
Shawn was there.
2) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh"
3) Donnell & Sean-led ?
6'9 was there.
4) Sean-led Ne-Yo's When You're Mad - it cranked, Chevy went onstage, Sean sang to her
5) Alternating Donnell-led Trillville's Some Cut - Sean sang, the frontline did the bowing dance / Notorious BIG's Warning / Keith Murray's Call My Name (tease) / "Wait a minute" echoes / Percussion solo - Halima said something I couldn't make out
6) Halima-led Christina Milian's Say I featuring Young Jeezy - Halima held her mic to fans / Aaliyah's I Need You Tonight (tease) / Donnell-led "Brandywine, friends of mine" chant / "Hands free, they're f*cking with me" - ended by a fight between girls
Derek (John's brother) was there.
7) Halima-led Mary J. Blige's My Life
Kay was there.
8) Sean-led "I hope you understand every word I say is true"
Donnell said, "We bust L!ssen's @ss. Kicked @ss in the bowling alley. L!ssen had the custom outfits. Shante some sh*t. She's the reason they lost."
9) Donnell acapella Mary J. Blige's My Life (tease)

Flo, Big Don Pimp, Sixx of Raw Image (nice to see he's off crutches, I wish him a speedy recovery), Gary, and Big Buck of Publicity Band were there.

Warming up
Donnell acapella "The greatest story never told"

Second Set
1) Halima-led Cheri Dennis' I Love You - it cranked / Percussion solo - Donnell said, "Give me a party beat, Stomp for all the Libras in the building (including me)"
Donnell did shout outs to Big Mike and 32 of Rare Essence
2) Sean-led "Why can't I have a little bit to satisfy me, make me happy" - ended by a fight
3) Alternating Donnell-led Nicole the Bartender / Lil' Scrappy's Money in the Bank (tease)
4) Donnell-led "Party, party, everybody" / Sean-led Ne-Yo's So Sick / Percussion solo - Donnell chanted, "Eya eya", Donnell said, "Hey D-O-C"
Damond was there
5) Donnell-led "___ Is yes!" / "You make me want to see just how freaky you can be" / "Keep it low"
6) Donnell-led "Reggae" / Sean-led Damien Marley's Beautiful - Packy played the cowbell, the house lights came on
7) Halima-led Beyonce's Deja Vu / Percussion solo
8) Donnell & Sean-led "On the small of her back, she got a tattoo" - it cranked
Donnell joined more on Shante & L!ssen Da Grew ^P's bowling performance - saying "Whoop that trick" and "If it weren't for Shante's gutter balls, L!ssen could have won".

Posted by funkmasterj at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 29 June 2007 9:06 PM EDT

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