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Summer 2004 and Beyond: Going to the GoGo
Friday, 13 January 2006
Thursday at Zanzibar
Zanzibar on the Waterfront, 700 Water Street SW Washington, DC 20024

Deezo introduced me to PGSLIM, D Ball, and another TMOTT member whose name I forget.

Kimberly, Darrell, James, 02, and Roosevelt Littlejohn were there.

Nataki (~butterflies~) came over and talked with me. She said, "Off the record, all night!"

Cookie, missshaunte, Black Heart, Danielle (Wellfhed), asmoothpoet, Jammin' Jeff, and Ebo were there.

~butterflies~ said, "You can write I'm beautiful", which she is.

Familiar Faces
First Set
1) Mother's Day
2) Halima-led The Brand New Heavies' Never Stop - Halima sang on the dance floor
Halima said, "That was a lot of fun!"
3) Halima-led Jill Scott's Golden
Dave, Sherray (Always Showtime!!), and Tim (LJ) were there.
Donnell said, "Fellas, let us take of the women for a while"
4) Sean (Kal'el)-led Burt Bacharach & Hal David's A House Is Not a Home (debut)
Pinky was there.
5) Halima-led Sade's Pearls
Tamara was there.

DeeDee's Cousin Michelle was there.

A woman named Regi introduced herself to me.

Second Set
Donnell, in talking about Sunday's celebration of Godfather's birthday, said, "Godfather made up everything Rare Essence played, don't let anyone tell you different."
Donnell did birthday shout outs to Jay113, Lolita, and Peg Leg.
1) Sean-led Dave Hollister's One Woman Man - Donnell did a shout out to the TMOTT members
2) Percussion solo - Donnell chanted shout outs to the TMOTT members, Donnell chanted "Eya eya" and the crowd responded "Ho" / Donnell-led chant "___ Is Warmed up"
3) Sean-led Jamie Foxx's Unpredictable
4) Halima-led Faith Evans' Again - Halima held her mic to fans
5) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh" - the crowd responded
6) Donnell-led "Do it for the ladies/fellas, Oh my God!" - the crowd responded
7) Halima-led Faith Evans' Mesmerized - Funky Stuff guitar riffs, Donnell chanted, "Eya eya" and the crowd responded "Ho"
~butterflies~ said to write, "They're the best".
Packy was on the dance floor.
The following old school was performed in honor of Godfather:
8) Alternating Donnell-led Tom Tom Club's Genius of Love (tease) / Announcements - Donnell said, "Everything from Essence that man (Godfather) made up. Anybody here at the Howard Theatre? Maverick Room? Tradewinds? Triples?" / Rare Essence's Spotlight (tease) / Rare Essence's Get on the Wagon (tease)
9) Donnell-led Vinnie D's $55 Motel -->
10) Donnell-led Rick James' Mary Jane (tease)
11) Donnell & James-led Lisa Stansfield's All Around the World (tease)
12) Donnell-led Rare Essence's Overnight Scenario - the crowd sang along
13) Donnell-led Rare Essence's Roll Call - the frontline danced the Roll Call dance, after the set, 02 told me to write "Sean missed a step in the Roll Call dance"
June was there.
14) Alternating Donnell & James-led Rare Essence's One on One (Footz version) - the crowd sang along/ James-led Parliament's Night of the Thumpasorous Peoples (tease) - "Gaga googa ga ga googa"
15) Donnell-led Rare Essence's Marinda (literal tease)
Donnell said, "Look how they change, they were all sophisticated."

I danced with Danielle.

Sonya, Tyrell, 6'9, Big Don Pimp, and Nikiya were there.

Third Set
1) James-led R. Kelly's Slow Wind
2) Donnell-led D4L's Laffy Taffy
Donnell said, "Switch gears, wait a minute"
3) Donnell-led NORE's I'm a G
4) Alternating Donnell & Halima-led Lil Kim's Lighters Up - Donnell chanted "Eya eya" and the crowd responded "Ho" / Donnell chanted, "Brandywine, friends of mine"
5) Alternating Donnell-led Trillville's Some Cut - James sang back up / Notorious BIG's Warning / Keith Murray's Call My Name (tease) / "Wait a minute" echoes / / Announcements - Donnell said, "Everything from Essence that man (Godfather) made up. Anybody here at the Howard Theatre? Maverick Room? Tradewinds? Triples?" / Fans chanted, "Southeast, South, Southeast"
6) Halima-led Mariah Carey's It's Like That
7) Donnell-led "Unh, unh unh"
8) Donnell & Halima-led Prince's Take Me With You - girls sang it
9) Donnell-led Hold the Note
10) Donnell-led 50 Cent's In Da Club (tease)
11) Halima-led Mary J. Blige's Be Without You - I danced with Krystal
12) Instrumental - grooving

Posted by funkmasterj at 9:05 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 9 April 2006 6:27 PM EDT

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