Cranberries, 5740 Silver Hill Road, Suitland, MD 20747
Stomp introduced me to a bartender from Cranberries he said was named, "Rockin' Cranberry". He said her real name is "GoGo Mia", she protested that. She wore a Redskins baseball cap.
Marquis Melvin, Mara, and DJ Skeet (wearing a Cowboy jersey) were there.
Ebony and Sonya sat at my table. Natalie joined us a half time. Natalie told Sonya and me about some interesting experiences with Ebony.
Nicole, the cover taker at Safari, was taking covers.
RE Angie, Cindy, Kiki, Shawn, Boo from Hypnosis, Derek Floyd, Ron Moten, Tracy S., LA, Chanel, and Peanut were there.
The result of this Redskins-Cowboys game was the same as the prior one, but this time the Redskins allowed no suspense: they led 28-0 at half time and won 35-7. Familiar Faces played after the game was over.
Junior worked the PA.
Familiar Faces
First Set
The line up was: T (male singer), Halima, Donnell, DP, Googie (bass), Dwayne, Godfather, Lorenzo, Stomp, Smoke, and Charlie.
1) Donnell acapella Rare Essence's I'm Getting Ready (tease) - sound check
2) Percussion solo - Donnell called out various things, including saying, "Googie played the bass, did you know that Jordan?" / Donnell-led "___ and a" with DP shouting, "Come on and Yeah!" / Donnell chanted, "Swing your body baby" / Guitar riffs as transition to -->
3) Halima-led Alicia Keys' Unbreakable - I danced with Cindy
Nikki was there.
4) Percussion solo
5) Toto's Georgy Porgy - instrumental intro, a Cowboy fan said, "Don't stop. One more time!" / T-led Bobby Valentino's Slow Down - I danced with Kiki
Sixx was there.
6) Donnell-led "Hey ay, Ho oh" - the crowd responded
7) Donnell-led "Do it for the Skins, Do it for the Redskins, Oh my God!" - T sang, "Oh my God!", Donnell added, "Do it for the Cowboys": he stopped and was laughing and then continued
8) Halima-led Faith Evans' Mesmerized - Funky Stuff guitar riffs
6'9 was there.
JoJo, Simone and their mom, Faith, were there.
9) Donnell & Halima-led Prince's Take Me With You - the ladies sang it
10) Donnell-led Hold the Note - I danced with Natalie, there was nice crank, Donnell had Smoke wave while he played the congas
Choo Choo and James were there.
11) Donnell-led Rare Essence's Marinda (literal tease)
12) Halima-led Sade's Pearls
Darlene was there.
RE Angie played congas during the break, as did a male fan.
Sharmba Mitchell was there.
Daniel Gibson, President of a DC Cluck-U, gave me his business card.
Second Set
James was on backup vocals
1) James-led R. Kelly's Slow Wind - Ebony and Natalie worked on my dancing
2) Donnell & Halima-led Lil Kim's Lighters Up - Donnell said, "Put your hands in the air if you're a Redskins fan", I danced with Kiki and LA
3) Alternating Donnell-led Trillville's Some Cut - different beat, I danced with Tracy and LA, James sang backup / Notorious BIG's Warning / Keith Murray's Call My Name (tease) / "Wait a minute" echoes
4) Halima-led Mariah Carey's It's Like That
5) Donnell-led "Unh, unh unh"
6) Donnell-led It Is What It Is - Donnell said, "I don't know why you still here, I'm about to leave"
7) Donnell-led Trina Was Great
Donnell said, "Cowboys, thank you so much."
8) D4L's Laffy Taffy (tease) - instrumental
Donnell said, "Going to Baltimore, Mo's, off the money I made tonight".
9) Stomp played the sample of "She's your Queen" from Coming to America.
Donnell said, "Simone, JoJo, come get your mama. I don't know what you're trying to do (Faith was trying to kiss him.)." Donnell said, "Security!"
JoJo went to get her.
Donnell said, "Get a room, mama, daughter, that might not be a before or after."
Nephew said, "Classic entertainment."
Donnell said, "Now I see where they get it from. Mom's you taught 'em well, swear to God. I got an old woman specialist; Dave come get it."
Donnell made fun of a Cowboy fan wearing a Cowboy sweatshirt, "What a clown outfit. He put a clown outfit on, we swept you all. What we give you all, a field goal? A touchdown, we had our fourth string in, a linebacker named Campbell... our scabs..."
Posted by funkmasterj
at 2:52 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 1 April 2006 4:30 PM EST