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Summer 2004 and Beyond: Going to the GoGo
Wednesday, 5 October 2005
Tuesday at Rehearsal
Private location

Familiar Faces
When I arrived, Lorenzo and Doc were already in the rehearsal room.

Lorenzo flipped through a musical instrument catalog. We discussed the prices. I talked about Sax prices that one friend of mine lent a sax to another friend of mine. The owner was selling it. He bought it for $3000, but the girl who borrowed it said, “I could buy one back home for $200!” I mentioned how Donnell had originally bought one of his Saxes for his son. Doc talked about how Donnell left his Sax behind at a show, probably spending too much attention to the ladies. He told Lorenzo about his experience of leaving his bass behind at Takoma Station when he went on vacation. Packy noticed it, but just left it there. Doc called and then he hugged it like his girlfriend when he came back.

Donnell arrived next. He again wore his mustard yellow pants.

Donnell pulled out a copy of Blueprint. He asked Doc if he needed a copy. Doc said, "I have a copy, but I lost it. My daughter may have used it for a coaster." Donnell replied, "So it's like that?" Doc said, "At least I bought it. I bought thirteen plus copies of Evolution to send down south."

Dwayne arrived next.

Donnell had them practice Anthony Hamilton's Comin' from Where I'm From as an instrumental.

Doc asked Donnell when he left his horn behind. Donnell said, "Which time? I left one behind at the Metro Club and another at the Hispanic join, Davies". He never got them back - one was really expensive too.

Stomp arrived.

Donnell talked about using Comin' from Where I'm From like Mr. Magic. He liked the beat that Stomp used; Stomp said he was just following the bass. Stomp talked about how EU plays this song. Donnell said, "This is what we do, crank songs. You fight it, but..."

Doc said sometimes he can't see signals.

Donnell wanted Stomp to support the timbales on Hollaback Girl.

Godfather arrived.

Later, Mike and Halima arrived at the same time.

Halima said something to Mike and started laughing. I asked Mike what was up and he said, "She's just crazy."

Halima worked on rapping Lighters Up, but Donnell said she can just sing it.

Mike worked on the new Bobby Valentino (single) Tell Me. Donnell talked about using Kraftwerk's Trans-Europe Express

Halima went over and played the congas, first with her hands, then with drumsticks.

DP and later Smoke arrived.

Donnell talked about Jammin' Jeff's birthday party later tonight.

They discussed the tempo for Trina Was Great.

Donnell said they should dress a certain way up for the show at the Fur. Donnell said it would be Chuck Brown, Mr. Cheeks and EU.
Mike said, "EU?"
Donnell said, "Experience Unlimited"
Mike said, "As if I couldn't figure that out."

Donnell said, "If you know where to get fedoras and canes". Stomp said, "I just know Kool Aid." Doc said they need to "Turn it out".

Mike called Doc, "Second tall man". He then said to me, "I'm third tall man." I said, "third bald man too."

Donnell excused everyone but the front line. Stomp made fun of Donnell's "honey mustard pants"; Donnell jokingly hit Stomp in the head.

Donnell did allow me to stay for the frontline meeting. Donnell said the performance will be interrupted to show the Can I Get a Lap Dance? video. He said the house system is fifty times as powerful as any GoGo PA system a band could bring in. Then they will perform the song with Mr. Cheeks. They decided to have the frontline make a grand entrance. The band will play an instrumental prelude like the one they use for Anthony Hamilton's Since I Seen't You. Halima will be singing offstage. Rather than start at the very beginning of the song, they will start at the bridge. Someone talked about how all the women will recognize that bridge. They will walk down the stairs, have security clear a path for them, then later do steps, which they practiced, onstage. They will be using the canes.

Posted by funkmasterj at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 5 December 2005 12:32 PM EST

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