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Summer 2004 and Beyond: Going to the GoGo
Thursday, 8 September 2005
Wednesday at the WPGC Katrina Benefit Show
94th Aero Squadron Restaurant, 5240 Paint Branch Pkwy College Park, MD 20740

I got to the 94th Aero Squadron a little late. As I walked in, I could hear Halima singing, so I could tell they had already started. Chi Ali walked out as I walked in. He said hello and I told him nice show Sunday.

Tim (LJ) was there. I asked him when they started, he said a little before 8 PM - I got there a little after 8. I later asked him if this was the first song. He said no, but he couldn't identify the first song. This was the first time I had been here since I graduated from the University of Maryland. There was a diverse crowd.

Familiar Faces
The line up was: Halima, Donnell (wearing a black riding cap), DP, Doc, Dwayne, Chris Wright of Suttle Thoughts on keyboard, Stomp, Smoke, and Jacques
2) Halima-led Jill Scott's Golden - Halima used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures including arm waving by Halima
Donnell said, "If you want to party, if you want to watch, that's okay too."
3) Halima-led Erykah Badu's Cleva- Halima used a lot of nonverbal arm & hand gestures, the frontline danced
4) They started performing the music to Faith Evans' Mesmerized started - Donnell said, "On behalf of the flood victims in New Orleans, we're going to do something." / Halima sang "We're going to do something..." / Halima-led Faith Evans' Mesmerized
Donnell said Broadway is everywhere we go, and LJ (Tim), and Jordan
Then he said, "I wasn't sure if we were going to party or parley. We got about six slow songs, you can sit back."
5) Halima-led Fantasia's Free Yourself - Halima sat down on the partition that holds the lights. Tony Redds (wearing a white WPGC collared shirt) brought her a chair, but she told him to sit in it. She then proceeded to address him throughout the song and the next song. She talked about "She wanted you to do a little more than you was doing...” She then stood back up and later walked down the steps onto the dance floor. Doc was on backup vocals. She said, "She didn't tell you, but I'll say it for her..." Tony started to get up, but she told him to sit down, "She wanted to get her breath". He got her water bottle for her. She said he was a gentleman. She then said, "Sometimes we say what we have to say, you have pissed us the hell off one too many times, anyone know I mean out there?" It was an incredible performance - I am sure Tony enjoyed it the most!
6) Alternating Halima-led Floetry's Say Yes - Halima said, "Say yes, that's what they want you to say and mean. Rico, she says get the hell out, but she don't mean it. We're not up for an excuse, we don't believe it." Donnell laughed / Halima-led Lionel Richie's Hello (tease)
Halima said of Tony Redds, "Give him a hand, he's been so wonderful. Ladies give yourself a hand".
Donnell said, "We're not interested in all this man bashing. If we tell you lie, accept it."
Donnell called Tony Redds to come onstage
7) Alternating Tony Redds & Halima-led Gwen Stefani's Hollaback Girl - Tony Redds started on the vocals and rapped, Halima at first backed him up, then sang lead / Donnell-led Rare Essence's Hook Me Upa
Tony Redds left the stage
8) Halima-led Mariah Carey's It's Like That - Halima bounced a lot
Donnell said, "That's all their time."
He thanked WPGC. He then said that, "(DJ) Rico used to be a stripper."
DJ Rico said, "Familiar Faces were the first people we called, they did not say no. They did this for free. 94th Aero Squadron put this together. It took a $10 donation, they will take more, I donated $300."

I looked to see who was playing keyboards, because I could see it was not Lorenzo or Godfather. Omar asked me if I knew Chris, I said I did.

Doc asked me about where to find a place to eat. I told him to just drive up to Route 1, that there are plenty of fast food restaurants there.

Posted by funkmasterj at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 11 September 2006 7:36 PM EDT

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