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Summer 2004 and Beyond: Going to the GoGo
Thursday, 25 August 2005
Wednesday at Takoma Station
Takoma Station, 6914 4th St NW, Washington, DC 20012

Donnell said hello to me as I walked in.

I went and talked to Candy. She said, "Did you miss me?" I said, "Yes." I asked her how Michon was doing. She said she was good and was going to be there tonight. I later talked with Michon and she asked me how Miami was. I told her that it was an experience - hot for Miami and that it killed my appetite.

I said hello to Doc, back from his vacation.

Yvette, Tamara, and Felecia were there.

Junior worked the sound.

Familiar Faces
First Set
There was a nice crank that started during
1) Grover Washington Jr.'s Lock It in the Pocket - a very long performance, Lorenzo played a mini moog (he later said tonight's show was a tribute to it's inventor, Bob Moog, who died a few days ago) - it sounded really good
During the performance above - Donnell said, "My man Doc on bass, Welcome home Doc". Smoke had a nice conga solo
2) Mike-led I Dreamed You - Mike said, "I'm trying to get skinny again. This is a song about love that is wished for; the perfect love that comes once in a lifetime."
Mike said, "This song is from Evolution. You can order it from TMOTT or Amazon.com, I don't think it's in the stores anymore."
Donnell said, "We're going to try to learn this song off the radio."
Mike said, "If a man tells you he'll make love to you all night, he's lying."
3) Mike-led Raheem DeVaughn's Ask Yourself (debut)
The dance floor filled during
4) Halima-led Jill Scott's Golden
Halima kidded, "I want to thank my saxophonist". She laughed.
5) They started to perform the music to Faith Evans' Mesmerized - Halima said, "It's a nice night. We came to party! Everyone have a good time with us.", Donnell said, "Ras Lidj is here celebrating his birthday.", He called up Ras Lidj to perform / Ras Lidj rapped / Halima-led Faith Evans' Mesmerized - Halima added a chant of "Baby, Baby!"
6) Halima-led Fantasia's Free Yourself - Halima's singing was excellent as usual, Halima made the lyrics transition into / Halima & Mike-led Floetry's Say Yes
Halima said, "I like it when I take my shoes off". She laughed.
Donnell said, "Donny Ray, where you at? Donny Ray knows I can sing."

Sharmba Mitchell, Angie, Donny Ray, Tracy, James, Tata, Tim (LJ), June & his wife Shadonna, 6'9, and Sharika were there.

I went outside. I asked Mike the name of the song that is Raheem DeVaughn's Ask Yourself.

DeeDee and Nikiya walked in while I was outside.

I walked in behind Doc, Dwayne, and Stomp. Tasty and Nita were there. Tasty asked jokingly, "Are you in the band?" Nita said, "Because you walked in with the band."

Second Set
Donnell did announcements, especially for Saturday's boat ride. He said $50 is the no knucklehead price. He then said, "Ray, you know you can't afford that. You'll probably go to the Tradewinds on Saturday". He then said, "All the other bands in the city are going down to Puerto Rico (for Labor Day weekend) to perform for the Puerto Ricans (he pronounced it Rick-ans)
Mike made fun of his pronunciation, said he's probably the type to say Eye-talians...
Darrell corrected my spelling of his name. I asked him why he waited so long. He said, "I know who I am and you know who I am, what does it matter if everyone else does?"
The crank started during
1) Bobby Valentino's Slow Down
A woman who had danced with me at Takoma Station a few weeks ago said hello to me. She kept trying to give me tips during the set.
Donnell told the men to leave their shirts on, "This is not the Black Hole".
2) Mike-led Rare Essence's Take Me Out to the Go-Go
Mike said, "We've got two Iraq veterans, real heroes, I want to thank them."
3) Mike-led Rare Essence's One on One (Footz version) - Mike held his mic to the crowd during it
4) Donnell-led Rare Essence's Roll Call
5) Donnell-led "Hey ah, Ho oh"
6) Donnell-led "Do it for the ladies/fellas, Oh my God!"
7) Alternating Halima-led Gwen Stefani's Hollaback Girl / Donnell-led Rare Essence's Hook Me Upa
8) Mike-led Prince's Take Me With You - nice percussion solo at the end
9) Donnell-led Hold the Note
10) Alternating Halima-led Mariah Carey's It's Like That - Halima bounced up and down / Donnell-led "Tired yet, ready to quit?"
11) Donnell-led DIP - Halima added "Who?"
12) Mike-led Glenn Lewis' Don't You Forget It
13) Donnell-led Trillville's Some Cut (tease)
14) Donnell acapella (but later Stomp drumming) Djayz's It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp
Donnell started joning "Tasty is having a baby. I'm the Pappy! I'm just joking, I don't know or like her. I know her, but don't like her."
He then picked on Ray, "Langston Lane is like the Bermuda Triangle. Ray, I know your real name, I don't know where Ray came from. I don't know how you came out of Langston Lane so soft; soft as Cottonelle. You must have had a bodyguard to take you to school. 6'3 and no basketball skills. 6'9 played for the state championship, but Ray 'Hi, can I take your order, Welcome to McDonald's.' Meet me at the police station."
He then noticed Keta for the first time. He said to the band members who were still there, "One more song - Miss Keta Will You Dance for Me. If you leave, you're not going to be paid."
He said, "Both Ketas are here. I have an indecent proposal for you."

Posted by funkmasterj at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 11 September 2006 7:52 PM EDT

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