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Summer 2004 and Beyond: Going to the GoGo
Wednesday, 29 June 2005
Tuesday at Rehearsal
Private location

Familiar Faces
When I arrived, Godfather was outside. Donnell was inside, in a meeting. Dwayne and Duane Face arrived, then Doc and Halima. Halima chewed on a licorice root, Dwayne asked what it was, he said it looked like a doobie at first. She even used it to brush her teeth. She also put herbs in the water. I asked her who was the artist for On & On; she said Erykah Badu. Then Mike, Stomp and Smoke arrived. I asked Mike about who the artist on sing for me was, he said it was Send for Me and that Atlantic Starr was the artist. They worked on the harmony for Fantasia's Free Yourself. They didn't have a recording, but Mike sang her line in Toto's Georgy Porgy to her. He said she has been singing the harmony from the Eric Benet version and that's fine. Halima asked Doc to sing more harmony.

They had a private meeting, Stomp asked me not to leave. I talked with Duane Face. He said he had played in Richmond with EU - he didn't know which venue. He said the crowd was so big he couldn't see the end of it. I told him about the Mayo Island show I went to last summer. He said that Sugar Bear had to convince him to go, that as I well know, he doesn't like to go anywhere. He said the recent Bud's show he played at was a warm up for this show. He said he saw Toni Braxton and someone else backstage, but he didn't care. He said a fan came up to him and said I've been following you guys since 1976! Of course, Duane wasn't born in 1976! We also talked about MD basketball, stemming from my saying that the regular keyboard player (Scooter) from EU looks like Walt Williams to me. Duane said he became a Maryland fan in the Gary Williams era.

Stomp asked me to put up a band dating service on the blog, for women (NO MEN) who are interested in dating band members (not including Doc, Jacques, Dwayne and Halima) to email me their pictures to me to pass on...

Posted by funkmasterj at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 6 December 2005 6:34 PM EST

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