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Summer 2004 and Beyond: Going to the GoGo
Sunday, 12 June 2005
Saturday meeting with Filmmakers
Rock Bottom Brewery, 7900 Norfolk Ave, Bethesda, MD 20814

I met with two video producers Elizabeth Kiehner and Keith Olwell. They currently live in New York City, but are from DC - they went to American University. They do music videos, commercials and other types of videos. They plan to do a documentary on GoGo. Keith used to be a part of the scene - an underground scene he called it - back in 1990. Their purpose is to show why GoGo prospers. Their talking with me was the first step after deciding to do it (I had suggested they talk with a band / musician rather than me). I mostly gave them information on the scene. They plan to come down every two weeks or so. They plan to ask GoGo fans to do shooting with disposable video cameras.

Posted by funkmasterj at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 18 August 2005 10:25 PM EDT

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