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Familiar Faces
They told me I missed Little Benny had sitting in for Donnell on Sunday. Everyone was there including Duane Face except Donnell, who was still out of town. DP led the rehearsal. They worked on I Dreamed You off of Evolution. At one point, Godfather tried to call Rootie Baltimore about the chords.
I talked about how I had asked Donnell when he was going to do a live recording and he said after Jauhar's birthday, which was two weeks ago. Dwayne said he didn't like preplanned live recordings. I talked about the live part of Evolution. Some of the band members didn't realize Bojack was overdubbed onto it (just a few days later). The actual conga player that night was Demetrius Owens.
Adia appreciated Blue sitting in for her while she was on vacation, but fans were angry. She got calls about it even before she got back in town. Dwayne talked about how the paying customers get used to having the same band members.
They had reached capacity at Tradewinds; they turned people away on Saturday. Dwayne and I talked with Adia about her "double". We saw a girl on Friday who looked very much like Adia.
Important things they work on in practice - chords, changes, what key the music is in, whether to do vocals or instrumental.
Posted by funkmasterj
at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 13 December 2005 3:45 AM EST